Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901   (662) 226-2490

Rev. John O. Brock, Pastor


2nd Collection … Religious Retirement Fund … Today


December 14, 2003                                        3rd Sunday of Advent

                                         Mass Times                                                   Saturday   6:00 pm   St. Peter’s (Grenada)     Catholic Community           

Sunday     9:00 am   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        Catholic Community

Sunday  11:15 am    St. John’s (Charleston)  Catholic Community



               Daily Masses                           Mass Intentions

Monday            8 am    St. Peter’s   

Tuesday           8 am    St. Peter’s           

Wednesday     8 am    St. Peter’s           

Thursday         8 am    St. Peter’s           

Friday               8 am    St. Peter’s            



  Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturday 5:30 - 5:45 p.m. and by appointment.


Bulletin -The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact Michael Liberto at  226-7936 or email  to be put on the email info/bulletin list.


Liturgical Appointments:


Extraordinary Ministers

Altar Servers

Cross Bearer

Gift Bearers



Sat. 12/20   6 p.m.

Jim Laycock

Dottie Laycock




Knights of Columbus

Sun. 12/21   9 a.m.

Becky Woods





Knights of Columbus






Financial Stewardship - Contributions for the last weekend:


Reg. Collection            $2,672.00

Christmas Flowers            10.00

Bldg. Fund                     1,057.50

Total Collections         $3,739.50


Please put the amount contributed on the front of your envelope. This will make record keeping simpler and insure you get credit for contributions. Thanks for your cooperation.



Please mark your building fund checks as ‘Building Fund’. Extra envelopes are in the vestibule. If you have changed your address since the beginning of the year, please send Julia Tartt your current address so your  Offering Statement will get to you. Email Julia or phone 226-0622 as soon as possible with any address changes. Thanks.


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Benjamin Morales, a seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.  Pray for more vocations.







Coffee & Donuts HostHost family for Coffee and Donuts is Jerry & Angelina Guilambo family  Next week’s host …NEEDED


Church cleaner for DecemberVerble Alexander. Thanks Verble.

Flower envelopes for Christmas church flowers are in the vestibule.



Prayer - Mary and Henry Theis, Mary V. Marascalco, Steve Sokas, Shirley & Dick Bailey, Lucille Frenyea , Helen Zelenak, John Wilkerson, Ron Bush, Harry Zitzelberger, Richard Reed, India Daigre White, Jamie Pritchard, Ron Hammac, Hunter Richardson, Robert Harbin family and Kathy Marrale.



Happy Birthday

LeMorris Hollis, 12/18; Heather Oakes, 12/19; Sydney Dean, 12/20.


The Youth Choir production of The Jesse Tree will be presented this Sunday, December 14, at 6:00 pm in the church.  A reception will follow in the C.A.B.  We invite all parishioners to join us for an evening of entertainment by our children:  

Paul Liberto, Crispina Purvis, Reid Walker, Cassie Bennett, Jamie Fortier, Don Tartt, Mitchell Sones, John Fortier, Noland Walker, and Melissa Sones.



                             [ Practice: Sunday 1 – 3 pm ]

RCIA class 5:00 pm Sunday in the CAB.  Please pray for our RCIA Catechumens, Connie Farriss and Beth Simmons.




Altar Society is sponsoring an angel tree. Take an angel from the tree and buy a gift for a needy Grenada child. Bring the gift back by Dec. 21st to the church. Light up a child’s life!


Please pray for our confirmation class as they begin their journey to confirmation. Entrance Ritual this Sunday.

Jeremy Bennett, Justin Bennett, Brook Brunson, Brandon Clack, Brad Daigneault, Destinee Dorris, Cory Geiger, Chris Harris, Desmon Hollis, Beth Livingston, Meg Logan, Anna Messina, Meg Moody, Nick Palazzolo, Craig Thomas, Jordan Thomas and Ryan Upchurch.