Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901   (662) 226-2490





July 6, 2003                          14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Masses for the week of July 6 – July 12             Mass Intentions


Saturday               6:00 pm St. Peter’s (Grenada)               Catholic Community

Sunday                  9:00 am St. Peter’s (Grenada)               Catholic Community

Sunday             11:15 am    St. John’s (Charleston)           Catholic Community

                  Monday              8:00 am            St. Peter’s                            +Sam P. Marascalco

       Tuesday             8:00 am            St. Peter’s                            + Lowrey Dyre

                 Wednesday        8:00 am            St. Peter’s                            +Sam P. Marascalco

                 Thursday            8:00 am            St. Peter’s                            +Sam P. Marascalco

              Friday                 8:00 am            St. Peter’s                            +Marie Marascalco





Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturday 5:30 - 5:45 p.m. and by appointment.


Bulletin -The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.

 Please contact     Michael Liberto at 226-7936 or email


Liturgical Appointments:     Sat. 7/12 6 p.m.                                  Sun. 7/13 9 a.m.

Lector                                      Needed                                                Michael Liberto

Extraordinary Ministers            Needed                                                 Barbara & Myra Liberto

Altar Servers                            Needed                                                Adam & Paul Liberto

Cross Bearer                            Needed                                                Needed           

Gift Bearers                             Needed                                                Walker Family   

Greeters                                   Knights of Columbus                            Knights of Columbus



Financial Stewardship - Contributions for the last weekend:


Offerings               $1789.60

Peter's Pence        $ 394.00

Cab or Hall Rental    $85.00

Building Fund          $240.00


Total Collections:  $2,508.60    Thanks for your generous support.






The fundraising drive for the proposed building program is scheduled to begin the weekend of July 19 and 20Pledge cards will be given out to parishioners at that time. Total renovations and new construction … $306,250.00





Coffee & Donuts HostHost family for Coffee and Donuts is

Dr. Chris and Eliana Cummins. Thanks.

More hosts needed. Please sign up.



Prayer - Mary and Henry Theis, Shirley Bailey, Dick Bailey, Elizabeth Daly, Mary V. Marascalco, Kathy Marrale, and Helen Zelenick.





Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Mario Solarzano, a seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.


Church Cleaners for JULY  N E E D E D

Please help out with this vital function of our parish, if you can possibly spare a couple hours each week.  Thank you.




Happy Birthday…

Cody Upchurch, 7/06; Diane Bush, 7/06, Mary Alice Liberto, 7/07; David Wood, 7/11.



The Knights of Columbus will meet next Sunday (13th) in the Parish Hall.

Please make plans to be in attendance.


Church Softball Tournament begins this week. Contact Nic Liberto for details.


Logon to the Church website,, for updated information and valuable links. To receive the bulletin and other announcements via email, send an email to and request to be put on the list.