Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901   (662) 226-2490



Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

August 15th  [ Holy Day ]




August 10, 2003                          19th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Masses for the week of August 11 – Aug. 16             Mass Intentions


Saturday               6:00 pm                 St. Peter’s (Grenada)               Catholic Community

Sunday                  9:00 am               St. Peter’s (Grenada)                 Catholic Community

Sunday              11:15 am                 St. John’s (Charleston)             Catholic Community

     Monday              { No Mass }

     Tuesday              8:00 am            St. Peter’s                       +Leila Brock

     Wednesday         8:00 am            St. Peter’s                       Special Intention

     Thursday             6:00 pm            St. Peter’s                      Catholic Community    Holy Day Mass

     Friday                  8:00 am            St. Peter’s                       Catholic Community    Holy Day Mass




Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturday 5:30 - 5:45 p.m. and by appointment.


Bulletin -The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.

 Please contact Michael Liberto at 226-7936 or email


Liturgical Appointments:                 Sat. 8/16  6 p.m.                                 Sun. 8/17  9 a.m.

Lector                                                                    Gerry Morris                                                       Knights of Columbus

Extraordinary Ministers                    Dorothy Howell & Joan Westin                       Knights of Columbus

Altar Servers                                                       Needed                                                                   Knights of Columbus

Cross Bearer                                                       Needed                                                                   Knights of Columbus

Gift Bearers                                                         Needed                                                                   Knights of Columbus

Greeters                                                                Knights of Columbus                                          Knights of Columbus



Financial Stewardship - Contributions for the last weekend:


Offerings                 $2,548.00
Cab Rental                     85.00

European Churches    797.00  

Building Fund           1,350.00

Total Collections   $4,780.00

Please put the amount contributed on the front of your

 envelope. This will make record keeping simpler and

 insure you get credit  for contributions.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Total pledges yet uncollected for the building fund over the next 3 (three) years: $66,390.00




      The fundraising drive for the proposed building program is in progress.     Pledge cards need to be in as soon as possible. Please be generous.




Coffee & Donuts HostHost family for Coffee and Donuts is the

 David Livingston family. Thanks.  More hosts needed. Please sign up.


Prayer - Mary and Henry Theis, Mary V. Marascalco, Mary Theresa Mardis, Fred Grossman, Jessie Quinn, Jr., and Bess Boone.



Flowers on the altar in memory of Vincent Marascalco I.

Offered by Alice Marascalco family and Vincent Marascalco II family.


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Lenin Vargas, a seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.


Church Cleaners for AugustCecilia Livingston and Denise Moody.

Please help out with this vital function of our parish, if you can possibly spare a couple hours each week.  Thank you.


Happy Birthday…

                                                Paul Liberto, 8/15


The Knights of Columbus will meet Sunday (10th) in the Parish Hall after Mass. Please be in attendance. Installation of officers Aug. 16th @ 6 p.m.


Parish potluck supper on Thursday, August 14 after the 6:00 pm Vigil Mass in the parish hall.


CYO  -  Catholic Jr. High Fun Day for ages 12 to 14 will be Saturday, Sept. 6 at 10:30 a.m. at The Park on Lakeland Dr. in Jackson. Price is $16 per person. Registration

forms and money are due on Sunday, Aug. 17. Contact Jeannie Logan or Lisa Thomas

if you are interested in attending.   Jeannie - 226-0406 .... Lisa 226-0747.




Registration forms for CCD classes are in the back of the church.  Each family with children signed-up for CCD needs to fill out a form and return it to the church by August 17th.  If you have not signed-up your children for CCD, please do so this Sunday.  Materials must be ordered by August 11th in order to receive them for the beginning of classes.  We are still in need of CCD teachers.  There is a sign-up sheet in the back for those adults willing to help with CCD.  Call Frankie Fortier at 227-9554 for additional information.