Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901   (662) 226-2490

Rev.JohnO.Brock, Pastor


Catholic University – 2nd Collection

Sept. 7




September 7, 2003                          23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Masses for the week of September 8-13            Mass Intentions


Saturday               6:00 pm                 St. Peter’s (Grenada)               Catholic Community

Sunday                  9:00 am               St. Peter’s (Grenada)                 Catholic Community

Sunday              11:15 am                 St. John’s (Charleston)             Catholic Community


     Monday               8:00 am            St. Peter’s                      +Maria Panebianco

     Tuesday              8:00 am            St. Peter’s                      +Leila Brock

     Wednesday         8:00 am            St. Peter’s                      +Doris Michele

                      NO Mass ** Thursday and Friday




Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturday 5:30 - 5:45 p.m. and by appointment.


Bulletin -The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.

 Please contact Michael Liberto at 226-7936 or email


Liturgical Appointments:                 Sat. 9/13  6 p.m.                     Sun. 9/14  9 a.m.

Lector                                                                    Verble Alexander                                Gerry Morris

Extraordinary Ministers                    Joan Westin & Dorothy Howell       Mary Daly & Lynn Bennett

Altar Servers                                                       Needed                                                   Jeremy & Justin Bennett

Cross Bearer                                                       Needed                                                   Cassie Bennett

Gift Bearers                                                         Needed                                                   Upchurch Family

Greeters                                                                Knights of Columbus                          Knights of Columbus


Financial Stewardship - Contributions for the last weekend:


Reg. Offerings        $1,868.00

Bldg. Fund                   660.00


Total Collections   $2,528.00


Please put the amount contributed on the front of your

 envelope. This will make record keeping simpler and

 insure you get credit for contributions.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Lenin Vargas, a

seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary,

New Orleans, LA.

The Knights of Columbus will meet next Sunday (14th) after coffee and donuts.

    Secret Sisters will meet September 17th at 7 pm in the parish hall for a gift   exchange. Anyone wanting to know more info call Joan Stewart at 226-1786.  Sisters are asked to bring their favorite dessert to the meeting.




Coffee & Donuts HostHost family for Coffee and Donuts is Sam

 and Dorothy Marascalco. Thanks.  More hosts needed. Please sign up.


Prayer - Mary and Henry Theis, Mary V. Marascalco, Bess Boone, Meg Young, Mike and Steve Sokas, June Perrin, Dorothy Criddle, and Kathy Marrale.





Church Cleaners for SeptemberDorothy Marascalco, Mary Cooper, and

 Marjorie Testa. Thanks ladies.

Parish council meeting on Monday, September 8 at 6:30 pm in
the parish hall..


Happy Birthday…

    Rachel Dear, 9/07; Lynne Marascalco, 9/07; Mary Cooper, 9/08; Amanda Cooper, 9/09; Bernice Wood, 9/13.

  CCD classes will begin this Sunday, Sept. 7, after Coffee and Donuts,
 10:15. Classroom assignments will be posted in the CAB as well as on 
 the doors of the Parish Hall. Please be sure to thank all our teachers.
 They have volunteered their time and talents to teach our young people.
 It requires a great commitment on their part.



  Thanks to the Knights and Thomas Family for helping move items from the annex to the

   parish hall and CAB in preparation for CCD classes.



Bishop’s Cup Golf Tournament, Thursday, Sept. 18th at Colonial Country Club in

Jackson. Registration forms are in the back of church. 601-969-1880  Tournament

includes a social and dinner. Benefits Catholic Charities.   Please consider






RCIA class to begin this fall…  Anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic religion is welcomed to sign up. Please contact Frankie Fortier at 227-9554 for more information.

Any young person between the ages of 5 and 18 interested in joining the Youth Choir needs to sign up on the sheet provided at the back of the church. 


Call Dion Sones at 226-0592 for additional information.