Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
(662) 226-2490
Rev. John O. Brock, Pastor
January 12, 2003
Baptism of the Lord
Masses for the week of January 12 - January 18
Mass Intentions
6:00 pm
St. Peter’s (Grenada)
Catholic Community
9:00 am
St. Peter’s (Grenada)
Catholic Community
11:15 am St. John’s (Charleston)
Catholic Community
No Daily
Mass - There will be no daily (weekday) masses until Fr. Brock’s return. Daily Mass will resume on Monday, February 3.
of Reconciliation - Saturday 5:30 - 5:45 pm and by appointment.
-The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact Dottie Laycock at 226-6661 or
E-mail to for additions or corrections.
Thank you.
Sat 1/18 - 6:00
Sun 1/19 - 9 am
Stephanie Hollis
Gerry Morris
Joan Westin & Dorothy Howell
Lynn Bennett & Jeannie Logan
Desmond & LeMorris Hollis
Cassie Bennett & Kate Logan
Beth Logan
Ben & Meg Logan
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus
Stewardship - Contributions for the last weekend: $1,748.00 regular collection and
$2,615.00 Building Fund. Thanks for your
generous support.
Statements - Contribution statements are being prepared for all parishioners who made
contributions during the year 2002. Please
check the address on your new box of envelopes and be sure it is correct. If your address is different for the one on your
envelope box, please contact Julia Tartt at 226-0622 and give her your correct address. Statements will be ready in the next couple weeks
and she needs correct addresses on all parishioners.
If you did receive a box of envelopes for the year 2003 and plan on making
contributions, please contact Julia Tartt so that she can get you a box of envelopes. It is strongly requested that all contributions be
in envelopes if at all possible. Please be
sure to put the amount on the outside of your envelopes before placing them in the
collection basket. This will make it easier
on those tabulating the offerings. It is NOT
necessary to put your name, since identification can be make by envelope number, but it is
most helpful to have the amount written on the outside of the envelope. Thanks for your cooperation.
Bible School - It is that time of year to start planning for Vacation Bible School. If there is anyone who would be interested in
directing or co-directing the Vacation Bible School this year please contact Marty or Sharon Duncan at 229-0076.
Happy Birthday |
Karen Munstenteiger, 1/13; Monica Holland, 1/15; Raymond Liberto,1/15; Tracey Duncan, 1/16; Joe Pritchard, Jr,
1/18; & Gene Stark, 1/19. |
of Columbus - The Knights of Columbus will meet Sunday, January 12, after coffee and
January 18, the CYO, grades 7-12, will attend the Christian Concert at the Desoto Civic
Center. The Group will meet in the church
parking lot at 3:15 pm and the bus will leave at 3:30 pm.
The ticket cost is $10 and each member will also need money for dinner. Any questions, call Jeannie Logan at 226-0406.
Travelers - The Group that traveled to Rome will meet at Dottie Laycock’s home,
30 Forrest Hills Cove, Grenada, on Friday, January 17 at 6:30 pm for a pot luck supper. Spouses or significant others are welcome. We will exchange pictures and recant stories of
the trip. For more information call Dottie at
&Donuts Hosts - Host for Coffee and Donuts are needed. If you can serve in this capacity, please sign up
on the sheet provided in the vestibule. For
more information, call Anne Geiger at 226-0712.
CYO - The
CYO will host a “Winter Wonderland” dinner for the adults of the Parish on
January 25, 2003. The dinner will be grilled
tenderloin, brown rice, green bean bundles, roll, dessert & beverage. The cost will be $15 per person. Babysitting will be provided in the CAB for $5 a
family. This will be a fundraiser for the
CYO. Tickets will be pre-sold by any CYO
member, Lisa Thomas or Jeannie Logan. No
tickets will be sold after January 23 so that the proper amount of food can be prepared. Please purchase your tickets early. Tickets will
go on sale December 28. Thank you for
your support. For more information contact
Jeannie or Lisa.
CCD will resume, Sunday, January 12, 2003. Thank you.
Addresses - We need an E-mail list of our parishioners.
This would enable us to send out the bulletin every Sunday and any other special
reminders, etc. If you would like your
address added to the list, send an E-mail to and put (add
me) in the subject line of the E-mail. Thanks
for your cooperation.
Prayer -
Remember the sick and shut-ins of our parish family and friends: Dorothy Criddle,
Charles Criddle, Lucille Frenyea, Charles Marascalco, Charles Stewart, Robbie Marascalco,
Kay Townes, Drew Townes, Janie Perry, Sam P.
Marascalco, Shirley Bailey, Dick Bailey, Leila Mae Brock, Carol Koch, Rudy Jones, & Eddie Merriman.
- This week in your prayers, please remember Ricardo Phipps, a seminarian studying for
our diocese. He is a student at Notre Dame
Seminary, New Orleans, LA.
Cleaning for January - Cleaners for the Month of January are Verble Alexander and Joan