Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901

(662) 226-2490

Rev. John O. Brock, Pastor


February 16, 2003                             Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Masses for the week of February 16 - February 22                                                Mass Intentions


Saturday                6:00 pm                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                               Catholic Community

Sunday                  9:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                               Catholic Community

Sunday                  11:15 am                St. John’s (Charleston)                          Catholic Community


Weekday Masses -There will be no weekday Masses until Monday, February 24.  Father is in London for a Theater tour.


Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturday 5:30 - 5:45 pm and by appointment.


Extraordinary Ministers - Our Parish needs Extraordinary Ministers to visit and take communion to the sick and shut in members of our parish.  Father Brock will conduct a training session for anyone that would like to function in this capacity.  You do not have to be a present Extraordinary Minister.  He will include that training also.  A time will be announced after his return.


Ash Wednesday - Ash Wednesday is March 5.  Be getting together all your blessed palms from last or previous Lenten seasons and bring them to the church for burning on Ash Wednesday.


Bulletin -The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.  Please contact Dottie Laycock at 226-6661 or E-mail to for additions or corrections.  Thank you.


Liturgical Appointments:                Sat 2/22 - 6:00                                     Sun 2/23 - 9 am

Lector:                                                   Sharon Duncan                                   Becky Woods

Extraordinary Ministers                   Ed & Rosemary Merriman                   Mary Daly & Dan Buzzarde

Altar Servers                                       Marty & Emily Duncan                      Jordan & Ellen Thomas

Cross Bearer                                       Zach Duncan                                       Needed

Gift Bearers                                         Tracy & Sara Duncan                         The Holland Family

Greeters                                                Knights of Columbus                         Knights of Columbus


Financial Stewardship - Contributions for the last weekend: $1,921.50 regular collection; $40.00 for Catholic Home Mission; $50.00 CAB Rental and $205.00 Building Fund for a total collection of $2,216.50.  Thanks for your generous support.


Contribution Statements - Contribution statements for 2002 are in the vestibule.  Please check the address and be sure it is correct.  If your address is different from the one on your statement, please contact Julia Tartt at 226-0622 and give her your correct address.  If you did not receive a box of envelopes for 2003, please contact Julia.  Thanks for your cooperation.



Vacation Bible School - It is that time of year to start planning for Vacation Bible School.  If there is anyone who would be interested in directing or co-directing the Vacation Bible School this year please contact Marty or Sharon Duncan at 229-0076.

Happy Birthday

Barbara Fuller, 2/18; Tina Morrison, 2/19; Nikki Palazzolo, 2/19;

Jennie Pritchard, 2/22; & Becky Woods, 2/23.



Coffee &Donuts Hosts - Host for coffee and donuts is the Griffin Family.  Host for Coffee and Donuts are needed.  If you can serve in this capacity, please sign up on the sheet provided in the vestibule.  For more information, call Anne Geiger at 226-0712.


Parish Council - Due to Father’s absences, the Parish Council will not meet until Monday, February 24.


Church Choir - The Church Choir will meet Sunday, February 16 at 3-4 pm in the church.  They will also meet on Wednesday, February 19 at 7-8 pm.  Wednesday will be the regular meeting time in the future.  Anyone interested in singing is invited to join the Choir.  For more information contact Nikki Palazzolo at 227-1204. 

Rite of Acceptance - As part of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, ten candidates have completed the Rite of Acceptance.  The Rite of Acceptance marks the beginning of the catechumenate as a candidate expresses and the church accepts their intention to respond to God’s call to follow the way of Christ.  These candidate will be confirmed as part of the Easter celebration.  Please keep them in your prayers.  They are: Lane Bennett, Frankie Fortier, David Livingston, Denise Moody, Bob Smith, Jeff Shankle, Tim Thomas, Tabitha Thomas, Craig Thomas, Cristy Thomas and Dalton Thomas.


E-Mail Addresses - We need an E-mail list of our parishioners.  This would enable us to send out the bulletin every Sunday and any other special reminders, etc.  If you would like your address added to the list, send an E-mail to and put (add me) in the subject line of the E-mail.   This is the Church’s website address-- .   Thanks for your cooperation.


Prayer - Remember the sick and shut-ins of our parish family and friends: Edward Game, Saddie Waggoner, Mike Mason, Harry Zitzelberger, Tricia Shankle, Dorothy Criddle, Charles Criddle, Lucille Frenyea, Charles Stewart, Robbie Marascalco, Kay Townes, Drew Townes, Janie Perry,  Sam P. Marascalco, Shirley Bailey, Dick Bailey, Leila Mae Brock,  Rudy Jones, &  Eddie Merriman.


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Matthew Simmons, a seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.


Church Cleaning for February - Cleaners for the Month of February are Irene Tucker, Sharon Duncan, and Teresa Dear.  Thanks Ladies.