Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901

(662) 226-2490

Rev. John O. Brock, Pastor


April 13, 2003                            Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion


Masses for the week of April 13 - April 19                                                              Mass Intentions

Saturday                6:00 pm                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                               Catholic Community

Sunday                  9:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                               Catholic Community

Sunday                  11:15 am                St. John’s (Charleston)                          Catholic Community

Monday                 8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                           Our Armed Forces

Tuesday                8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                             Our Armed Forces

Wednesday          8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                          Our Armed Forces

Thursday               6:00 pm                St. Peter’s (Grenada)                                Holy Thursday

Friday                    6:00 pm                St. Peter’s (Grenada)                                Good Friday

Saturday                 6:00 pm                St. Peter’s (Grenada)                                Holy Saturday


Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturday 5:30 - 5:45 pm and by appointment.


Stations of the Cross - Stations of the Cross will be at 6:00 pm on Fridays during Lent.  Also the church will be open at 12:00 noon on Fridays for those wanting to say individual stations or other meditations during Lent.


Rosary - During Lent, the Rosary will be said before Saturday night mass.  It shall be offered up for world peace.  If you would be willing to help in leading the Rosary, please contact Gerry Morris at 226-8386. 


Bulletin -The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.  Please contact Dottie Laycock at 226-6661 or E-mail to for additions or corrections.  Thank you.


Liturgical Appointments:                Thur 4/17 - 6pm                          Fri 4/18 - 6pm                          Sat 4/19 - pm

Lector                                          Sharon Duncan                      Sharon Duncan &Becky Woods              Gerry Morris

Extraordinary Ministers          Dottie Laycock                     Not Needed                                              Lynn Bennett &Cecilia Livingston

Altar Servers                              Marty & Emily Duncan                Needed                                      Jeremy & Justin Bennett

Cross Bearer                               Zach Duncan                                Needed                                      Cassie Bennett

Gift Bearers                               Tracey & Sara Duncan                Not Needed                                Craig, Christy & Dalton Thomas

Greeters                                     Knights of Columbus                  Knights of Columbus                    Knights of Columbus


Easter Sunday: Knights of Columbus


Financial Stewardship - Contributions for the last weekend: $1,705.00 regular collection; $40.00 American Bishop’s Overseas; Easter Flowers, $540.00; $90.00 CAB Rental and $405.00 Building Fund for a total collection of $2,780.00.  Thanks for your generous support.


Coffee & Donuts Hosts - Host for Coffee and Donuts are Dan & Rosa Buzzarde and Mary.


CCD - There will be No CCD on April 20th.  Please note the final CCD class is on April 27th.


RCIA - RCIA will have their final meeting before Easter.  Sharon needs everyone and their sponsor to attend this last meeting.  Please keep catechumenates in your prayers.  They are: Lane Bennett, Frankie Fortier, David Livingston, Denise Moody, Bob Smith, Jeff Shankle, Tim Thomas, and Tabitha Thomas.


Seder Supper - The Knights of Columbus will sponsor the Seder Supper on Wednesday, April 16, at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall.  Everyone is invited.  Please bring your favorite dish (Pot Luck) for the main meal.  A sign-up sheet is in the vestibule.  Please indicate the number of attendees.


Easter Egg Hunt - The Knights of Columbus will sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday at 3:00  pm on the Church Grounds.  Everyone is invited.  If you have plastic eggs to donate please contact a Knight before Wednesday, April 16. 


CYO - The CYO Meeting and Cookout, grades 7-12, will be Sunday, April 13 at 5:00 pm at the Lake by the Tennis Courts,  Field #1.  Bring you ball gloves, bats and balls, also bring $10 for a tee shirt.


Church Choir - The church choir will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 pm each week.


Rest in Peace - Please remember in your prayers Sam P. Marascalco who passed away this past week.


Prayer - Remember the sick and shut-ins of our parish family and friends: Mike Sokas, Hazel Leleux, Mary & Henry Theis, Charles Stewart, Mel Fonte, Joe Fonte, Ken Kerwin, Harry Zitzelberger, Bill Monahan, Charles Anthony Marascalco, Connie Peacock, Shirley Bailey, Dick Bailey,  Rudy Jones, &  Eddie Merriman.


Prayer -Please say a special prayer for the men and women of our parish family that are in military service: Patrick Parnell, Navy, Joan Westin’s Son-in-Law; Patrick Honeycutt, Nephew of Mariam & Buddy Honeycutt and Sam & Dorothy Marascalco; Joseph Geiger, Son of Keith & Anne Geiger; Chris & Eliana Cummins, Army Reserves; Andrew Cummins, Air Force, Son of Patrice Cummins; Eric & Kori Delwiche, Air Force, Brother & Sister-in-law of Becky Woods; J. D. Perrin, Marines, & Timothy Roepke, Army, both great nephews of the Perrins; Jason Smith, Army National Guard, Son of Bob Smith; Cassidy Williamson, 82nd Airbourne, cousin of Norma Huddleston; and Michael Asbury, Army National Guard, close friend of the Honeycutts; Aubrey Bugg, Army, Friend; Josh Marlar, Army, Friend.


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Matthew Simmons, a seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.


Church Cleaners for April - Cleaners for the Month of April are Denise Moody, Miriam Honeycutt and Cecilia Livingston. 


Happy Birthday

Olga Shiver, 4/16; Sam Marascalco, 4/16; Rose Marie Marascalco, 4/16;

 Dona Marascalco, 4/18; Eddie Cooper, 4/18; & Keith Geiger, 4/18.