Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901

(662) 226-2490

Rev. John O. Brock, Pastor


                       April 27, 2003 – Second Sunday of Easter



Masses for the week of April 27 – May 3, 2003                       Mass Intentions


Sunday                  9:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)               Catholic Community

Sunday                  11:15 am             St. John’s (Charleston)                Catholic Community

Monday                 8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)               Our Armed Forces      

Tuesday                  6:00 pm                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)               +William & Harry Geesler   

Wednesday            9:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)               +Sam P. Marascalco

Thursday                8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)               +Le and Tinetta Buzzarde

Friday                     8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)               +Marie Marascalco

Saturday                6:00 pm                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)               Catholic Community


Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturday 5:30 - 5:45 pm and by appointment.


Bulletin - The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.    Please contact Dottie Laycock at 226-6661 or email Dottie at for any additions or corrections. Thank you.



Liturgical Appointments:                      Sat.,  May 3 - 6:00 pm                    Sun., May 4 - 9:00 am   

Altar Servers                                         LeMorris and Desmon Hollis                CYO/Youth Mass

Lector                                                     Stephanie Hollis                                     CYO/Youth Mass

Extraordinary Ministers                     Joan Westin/Dorothy Howell                   CYO/Youth Mass

Gift Bearers                                          Needed                                                   CYO/Youth Mass

Cross Bearer                                         Needed                                                   CYO/Youth Mass                   

Greeters                                                 Knights of Columbus                                Knights of Columbus


Financial Stewardship – Collection for last weekend:  Regular collection - $2,069; Building Fund - $205; Good Friday – Holy Land Offering - $457; Am. Bishops Overseas - $15; Seminary - $440.  Thank you for your generous support.


Coffee & Donuts Hosts -  Hosts for Coffee and Donuts this weekend are David and Laura Upchurch.  Please sign up on the list in the vestibule of the Church. 


Vacation Bible School – Sign up sheets for Vacation Bible School are in the vestibule for children who will be attending and also for teachers and helpers.  VBS will be for children Preschool through 5th grade (grade just completed).  We are in DESEPARATE need of teachers and helpers this year.  VBS will be the week of June 16th – 20th.  If you have any questions, please call Marty Duncan at 229-0076.




Appreciation Supper for Sunday School Teachers and Altar Servers –  The Knights of Columbus will host an Appreciation Supper for the Sunday School teachers and all altar servers, Sunday, April 27, at 5:30 pm in the parish hall.  Hamburgers, hot dogs and chips will be served.   Please join us in thanking these individuals who have given their time and talent.  Volunteers are needed to bring dessert.


Knights of Columbus – The Knights of Columbus wish to thank all who bought tickets for the Fish Fry and also those who made personal donations at the Mardi Gras party for the Priest Education. Thanks to you, our Council will donate $1,500 to Bishop Latino to assist in educating priests for the Jackson diocese. Statewide, the Knights are expected to donate over $60,000 for Priest Education at the Knights of Columbus State Convention in Vicksburg this weekend.


CCD – Please note the final CCD class is this Sunday, April 27th.


Prayer – Please say a special prayer for the men and women of our parish family that are in the military service: Patrick Parnell – Navy, Joan Westin’s son-in-law; Patrick Honeycutt – son of Miriam and Buddy Honeycutt and nephew of Sam and Dorothy Marascalco; Joseph Geiger – son of Keith and Anne Geiger; Chris and Eliana Cummins – Army Reserve and Andrew Cummins – Air Force, Sons and daughter-in-law of Patrice Cummins, Eric and Kori Delwiche – Air Force, Brother and sister-in-law of Becky Woods; J. D. Perrin – Marines and Timothy Roepke – Army, both great nephews of the Perrins; Jason Smith – Army National Guard, Son of Bob Smith; Cassidy Williamson – 82nd Airbourne, cousin of Norma Huddleston; and Michael Asbury – Army National Guard, close friend of the Honeycutts; Aubrey Bugg – Army, Friend; Josh Marter – Army, Friend.


Prayer - Remember the sick and shut-ins of our parish family and friends:  Barbara Russo, Katie Parnell, Mike Sokas, Hazel Leleux, Mary and Henry Theis, Charles Stewart, Mel Fonte, Joe Fonte, Ken Kerwin, Harry Zitzelberger, Bill Monahan, Charles Anthony Marascalco, Connie Peacock, Shirley Bailey, Dick Bailey, Rudy Jones, and Eddie Merriman


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Thomas Whitehead, a seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.


Church Cleaners for May – Cleaners are needed for the month of May.  Please help out with this vital function of our parish.  It only takes a couple of hours each week.  Thank you.




Happy Birthday

Irene Tucker – 4/27; Mary Sauls – 4/29;

Buddy Honeycutt – 5/2; Carole Morrison – 5/4;

Angela Brunson – 5/4; Adelphia Marascalco – 5/4