Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901

(662) 226-2490

Rev. John O. Brock, Pastor


May 4, 2003                           Third Sunday of Easter


Masses for the week of May 4 - May 10                                                    Mass Intentions

Saturday                6:00 pm                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                               Catholic Community

Sunday                  9:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                               Catholic Community

Sunday                  11:15 am                St. John’s (Charleston)                          Catholic Community

Monday                 8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                 Our Armed Forces

Tuesday                                8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                 +Sam & Rosa Testa

Wednesday                8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                 +Sam P. Marascalco

Thursday                8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                 +John V. & Mary Messina

Friday                     8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                 +Sam P. Marascalco

Saturday                 6:00 pm                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)                 Catholic Community


Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturday 5:30 - 5:45 pm and by appointment.


Bulletin -The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.  Please contact Dottie Laycock at 226-6661 or E-mail to  for additions or corrections.  Thank you.


Liturgical Appointments:                Sat 5/10 - 6 pm                                                     Sun 5/11 - 9 am

Lector                                                     Jim Laycock                                                 Mike Liberto

Extraordinary Ministers                  Dottie Laycock & Joan Westin                   Barbara & Myra Liberto

Altar Servers                                        Needed                                                                  Paul & Adam Liberto

Cross Bearer                                        Needed                                                                  Needed

Gift Bearers                                          Needed                                                                  The Walker Family

Greeters                                                        Knights of Columbus                                         Knights of Columbus


Financial Stewardship - Contributions for the last weekend: $1,573.00 regular collection; $324.00 second collection: and $85.00 Building Fund for a total collection of $1,982.00.  Thanks for your generous support.


First Holy Communion - Please keep in your prayers those who are making their First Holy Communion this Sunday.  They are: Sara Duncan, Zach Duncan, Jamie Fortier, Don Tartt, Dalton Thomas and Cody Upchurch.


Vacation Bible School - Sign up sheets for Vacation Bible School are in the vestibule for children who will be attending and also for teachers and helpers.  VBS will be for children Preschool thru 5th grade (grade just completed).  VBS will be the week of June 16th-20th.  We are in DESPERATE need of teachers and helpers this year.  Remember: Without teachers VBS cannot take place.  If you have any questions please call Marty Duncan 229-0076.


Coffee & Donuts Hosts -No Coffee and Donuts, but a reception for the First Communicates.


Parish Council Meeting - The Parish Council will meet on Monday, May 5 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall.


Prayer - Remember the sick and shut-ins of our parish family and friends: Barbara Russo, Katie Parnell, Mike Sokas, Mary & Henry Theis, Charles Stewart, Mel Fonte, Joe Fonte, Ken Kerwin, Harry Zitzelberger, Bill Monahan, Charles Anthony Marascalco, Connie Peacock, Shirley Bailey, Dick Bailey,  Rudy Jones, &  Eddie Merriman.


Prayer -Please say a special prayer for the men and women of our parish family that are in military service: Patrick Parnell, Navy, Joan Westin’s Son-in-Law; Patrick Honeycutt, Nephew of Mariam & Buddy Honeycutt and Sam & Dorothy Marascalco; Joseph Geiger, Son of Keith & Anne Geiger; Chris & Eliana Cummins, Army Reserves; Andrew Cummins, Air Force, Son of Patrice Cummins; Eric & Kori Delwiche, Air Force, Brother & Sister-in-law of Becky Woods; J. D. Perrin, Marines, & Timothy Roepke, Army, both great nephews of the Perrins; Jason Smith, Army National Guard, Son of Bob Smith; Cassidy Williamson, 82nd Airbourne, cousin of Norma Huddleston; and Michael Asbury, Army National Guard, close friend of the Honeycutts; Aubrey Bugg, Army, Friend; Josh Martar, Army, Friend.


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Ricardo Phipps, a seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.


Easter Flowers -  Easter Lilies were placed on the Altar for: Angela Brunson by Antonio San Fillippo, Angela Brunson by Ross & Sara Liberto, Angela Brunson by Pasquale San Fillippo, Lowrey Dyre by Mary Dyre and family, Shiver/Holzheimer Family by David & Olgo O. Shiver, Joe S. & concettina Messina Sr., Lavern & Tim Buzzarde by Dan & Rosa Buzzarde, George Moody by Bob & Denise Moody, Bobby Walton by Joe & Katie Boone, Charlie Adams Marascalco by Dr. & Mrs. John Marascalco, Mr. & Mrs. Guilambo by Mr. & Mrs. Jeremirh Guilambo, Joey Daigre & Agnes Logan by Ben & Jeannie Logan, Vina Tartt by Don & Julia Tartt, Ryan david Marascalco by Christopher Cummins, John & Gladys Marcotte by Norma Huddleston, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barranco by Sam & Kathy Barranco, Mer Westin by Joan Westin, Deceased Relatives & Friends by Dorothy Howell, Deceased Members of the Cook & Michele Families by Grace Michele Cook,Woodrow Callis by Lynne & Louis Marascalco, Sherman Lollar by Lynne & Louis Marascalco, Louis Marascalco Lynn & Louis Marascalco, Mr. & Mrs. M. F. Honeycutt by Buddy Honeycutt, James V. Bruno by Lisa Thomas, P.R. Daly & Helen d. Hailey by Elizabeth Daly, Joe Testa, Rose Marie Marascalco, Lewis Smith by Bob Smith, Daly & Dear Families by Mary Daly, and James R. Laycock by Jim & Dottie Laycock. 


Happy Birthday

Jeremiah Guilambo, 5/5; Eliana Cummins, 5/6;& Jordan Thomas, 5/8.

Church Cleaners for May  Cleaners for the Month of May are needed.  Please help out with this vital function of our parish, if you can possibly spare a couple hours each week.  Thank you.