Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901

(662) 226-2490

Rev. John O. Brock, Pastor


                June 15, 2003 –  Trinity Sunday


                Masses for the week of  June 15 – June 21, 2003              Mass Intentions


                Sunday          9:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        Catholic Community

                Sunday          11:15 am         St. John’s (Charleston)        Catholic Community

                Monday         8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        No Mass       

                Tuesday                8:00 am           St. Peter’s (Grenada)        No Mass       

                Wednesday  8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        No Mass

                Thursday      8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        No Mass

                Friday             8:00 am                   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        No Mass

                Saturday               6:00 pm           St. Peter’s (Grenada)        Catholic Community


Bulletin –  The deadline for announcements for the Bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.    Please contact Michael Liberto at 226-7936 or email Michael at for any additions or corrections.  Thank you.


Liturgical Appointments:        Sat.,  June 21 - 6:00 pm                       Sun., June 22 - 9:00 am              

Altar Servers                       Needed                          Needed

Lector                                    Verble Alexander                              Needed

Extraordinary Ministers                      Needed                                  Irene Tucker/Cecilia Livingston

Gift Bearers                         Needed                          Needed

Cross Bearer                       Needed                          Needed                 

Greeters                                Knights of Columbus                 Knights of Columbus


Financial Stewardship – Collection for last weekend:  Regular collection - $1,366; Building Fund - $140; CAB Rental - $90; New Organ Fund - $500.  Total Collection - $2,096.  Thank you for your generous support.


Coffee & Donuts Hosts -  Hosts for Coffee and Donuts this weekend are  the Honeycutt and Wood Families.  Hosts are needed for the next several weeks.  Please sign up on the list in the vestibule of the Church.  Thank you


Vacation Bible SchoolVacation Bible School will be next week June 17th – 20th.  On Tuesday, June 17th, VBS will be from 9:00 to 12:30.  For the rest of the week, it will be from 9:00 am to 11:30 am.    Each child needs to bring a white T-shirt with them on Tuesday, June 17.  We will be getting the t-shirts ready for the children to paint so it is very important that everyone brings their white t-shirt on Tuesday.  Also, shoes will be collected as our gift to the needy children around the world.  Please send at least one pair of new shoes any size, any style.  We will be collecting these during the week of Vacation Bible School.    We would like to thank everyone who donated supplies and money for Vacation Bible School.  Your generosity is appreciated.


Flowers – Flowers on the altar are in memory of Marie Marascalco given by Pete Marascalco and Family.


Newly Elected Officers of the Knights of Columbus – Grand Knight – Sam Marascalco; Deputy Grand Knight – Lee Munstenteiger; Chancellor - Michael Liberto, Recorder – Raymond Liberto; Treasurer – Bob Holland; Advocate – Chris Cummins; Warden - Mitch Sones; Inside Guard – A. J. Hamman; Outside Guard – James Cook; 1 Year Trustee – Robert Moody; 2-Year Trustee – Vincent Marascalco; 3 Year Trustee – Buddy Honeycutt.  Congratulations on your newly elected position.


Prayer – Please keep in your prayers the family of James and Grace Cook.  Grace’s sister, Doris Michele, passed away on Thursday, June 12.  Visitation will be Sunday, June 15 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Garner Harper Funeral Home with rosary beginning at 7:00 pm at Garner Harper.  The funeral mass will be Monday, June 16, at 10:00 am at St. Peter’s with burial at Woodlawn Cemetery.


Prayer for Military Service – Please say a special prayer for the men and women of our parish family that are in the military service: Patrick Honeycutt – nephew of Miriam and Buddy Honeycutt and  Sam and Dorothy Marascalco;  Timothy Roepke – Army, great nephew of the Perrins; Jason Smith – Army National Guard, Son of Bob Smith; Cassidy Williamson – 82nd Airbourne, cousin of Norma Huddleston; and Michael Asbury – Army National Guard, close friend of the Honeycutts; Josh Marter – Army, Friend.  When your loved one returns home, please mark their name off the list on the altar.  Thank you.


Prayer for Sick and Shut-ins - Remember the sick and shut-ins of our parish family and friends:  John M. Portera,  Ron Bush, Jennie Pritchard, Adelphia Marascalco, Walter Fariss,  Lavonne Perrin, Dean Logan, Barbara Russo,  Mike Sokas,  Mary and Henry Theis,  Mel Fonte, Joe Fonte, Ken Kerwin, Harry Zitzelberger,  Charles Anthony Marascalco, Connie Peacock, Shirley Bailey, Dick Bailey, Rudy Jones, and Eddie Merriman.


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Pat Smith, a seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.


Church Cleaners for June  Cleaners for the month of June are Teresa  Liberto, Patrice Cummins, and Eliana Cummins.  Please help out with this vital function of our parish.  It only takes a couple of hours each week.    Thank you. 


For Emergencies While Father is away, please contact Father Delaney in Greenwood at 662-453-3980 or Father Messina in Batesville at 662-563-2273.



Happy Birthday

Teresa Dear – 6/16; Ashley Griffith – 6-21; Vincent Marascalco, II – 6-21;