August 22, 2010            Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

Twenty-First Sunday                   320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
   in Ordinary Time                                         (662) 226-2490
                                                                     Father Martin Ruane, Pastor



Greetings From IrelandFather Ruane sends his greetings from Ireland, he says he is doing fine and enjoying the weather there. The temperature is a very nice 70 to 80 degrees. 


If For any reason you may need a priest for an emergency while Father is on vacation please call Fr. Al Camp at 601-951-3063, Fr. Sam Messina at 662-563-2273 or call Fr. Gregory Plata at 662-453-0623.

If for any reason you might want to call Father while he is on vacation you can get his number in Ireland from Karla at the Rectory.


The Bishop’s Cup Golf TournamentThe 28th Annual Bishop’s Cup Golf Tournament will be held at 12:30pm on Wednesday, September 22nd at the Colonial Club in Jackson. We encourage women golfers, as well as men, to come out and play for their parish. There will be prizes, a social and dinner, live and silent auctions, and a bag raffle. Registration forms are in the back of the church. For more information, call the Catholic Foundation at 601-960-8479.  


Why Catholic?”… This Sunday, August 22nd, at 3:00pm to 5:30pm, at St. Francis Catholic School, in Greenwood, will be hosting a workshop for New Leaders, Veteran Leaders, Co-Leaders, and Potential Leaders. This Workshop will focus on Book 3 – Life in Christ – Walking with God. For more information please contact: Alice Hughes, M.R.E. or Karen Brown – Office of Faith Formation – at 601-960-8470 or email or   



1. “People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.”  (Lewis Cass, American military officer and politician)

2. “Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values.”  (Joshua L. Liebman)


Choose Life One of the chief researchers in a landmark study on patients with severe brain injuries noted that these patients are diagnosed falsely “on a disturbingly regular basis.” With false diagnoses, fatal mistakes can be made as in the famous case of Terri Schiavo who was fatally deprived of food and water. Says bio-ethicist Wesley J. Smith, “What we did to Terri was a blight on the legal system and bioethics. Pretending otherwise won’t make that stain go away.” NRL News, Feb-Mar, 2010


Rite Of Christian Initiation Of AdultsThe R.C.I.A. will resume in the fall. If you know of anyone interested in the R.C.I.A., or for more information, please call the Rectory at 662-226-2490. This is primarily for people who are interested in the Catholic Faith. They will find these gatherings very enjoyable and interesting and the decision to embrace the Catholic Faith is always made by the person participating.      


Moving In And Out”… Summer time is often a time of transitions for families. We want to say farewell to any people who may be leaving and thank you for your participation in our parish. We also wish to welcome any new individuals or families at St. Peter Parish and we invite you to make yourself known to us and to register with the parish. Parish registration forms are available in the vestibule, or call the Parish Office at 662-226-2490.


Eucharistic Ministers/Sat August 21stRosemary Merriman, Karla Houston, Jerome Boudreax-----------Lector – Irene Stark

Eucharistic Ministers/Sun August 22ndJohn Saia, Martha Saia, Cheri Messina----------------------------Lector – Joe Messina


***Sacrament of Reconciliation, Saturdays 5:15pm – 5:45pm**and on appointments***

                           WEEKLY MASS CALENDAR


Mass Dates                                      Mass Times                             Mass Intentions

Saturday, August 21                                      6:00pm – St. Peter                            People of St. Peter Parish

Sunday, August 22                                        9:00am St. Peter                               People of St. Peter Parish

Sunday, August 22                                      11:15am – St. John                          People of St. John Parish

Monday, August 23                                       8:00am – St. Peter                              Communion Service   

Tuesday, August 24                                     10:00am – St. Peter                            No Service   

Wednesday, August 25                                 8:00am – St Peter                            Communion Service   

Thursday, August 26                                     8:00am – St. Peter                            No Service   
Friday, August 27                                           8:00am – St. Peter                               Communion Service   


                                                  PRAY FOR THEM


Lynn Barker, Braxton Barnard, John Bell, Shirley Black, Mike Bowles, Mike Brewer, James Bruno, George Burleson, Delsie Burton, Robert Campassi, Carolyn Cerniglia, Bernice Clark, John Collier, Kelly Collier, James Cook Sr., Jim Criss, Sarah Criss, James Dykes, Sarah Edwards, Don Eldridge, Maria Evangelista, Walter Fariss, Allie Fava, Mary Helen Ferri, Bill Finch, Charlie Fowler, Shirley Fowler, Lucille Frenyea, Valinten Gagaboan, Christy Gant, James Gant, Mary Gessler, Christopher Griffin, Bonita Henson, Kent Hull, James Huddleston, Morgan Kay Jackson, Jan, Leonard Janiszewski, Jack Kilcrease, Mike Latham, Bishop Latino, Barb Licourt, Kelsey Lipe, Rodney Lippincott, Bobby Love, Lisa Mann, Adelfia Marascalco, Charlie Marascalco, Joseph Marascalco, Laurie Marascalco, Louise Marascalco, Sue Matthews, Jody McAnnally, Betty McCormick, Amanda McGee, Johnny Michelle, Lois Newton, Cody Oxner, Roger Patterson, Katie Parnell, Sandy Phillips, Lamar Pitcock, Jamie Pritchard, Wanda Ray, Eydie Ricks, Ralph Roe, Bernice Sandersan, Audrey Sarris, The Family of Robert Pitman, Sr. Anthony Ruane, Larry Ruane, David Sintes, Dan Thompson Jr., Beulah Vance, Anne Upchurch, Carl Walker, Jan Walker, Lisa Ward, Marguarite Womble, Betty Yonak, Jack Young.  If you would like to add or remove someone from the prayer list, please contact the rectory at 226-2490 Or email me at;


Collections, August 15th    PLEASE REMEMBER – TURN YOUR    Today’s Special Collection:   

General Fund  -  $1,702.29     CELLPHONE OFF WHILE IN CHURCH!                         NONE    

Building Fund -     $647.00                Thank you for your cooperation.                           Next Special Collection:                    

Central & Eastern Europe     $25.00                 <<<BIRTHDAYS>>>                     Sept. 5th Catholic University of America    


                                             August 23 – Donny Ryals        August 25 – Patrick Mardis   

                                      August 23 – Dorothy Howell        August 26 – Phillip Geiger   



Bulletin Announcements The deadline for announcements will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to


Liturgical Appointments Please contact the church office to participate in the Liturgy.


IF Please if you cannot serve at a given Mass as Lector or Eucharist Minister, please call a replacement or call the Rectory. These are special ministries and a replacement should be found, if you cannot serve.


Knights of Columbus If you would like to contribute to the Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knights of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, Ms. 38901. Note: The K of C will meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, anyone wishing to join the Knights please contact any one of our Knights.


Please Remember... to check thermostats, lights, doors, and clean up when leaving our buildings. We have received some high utility bills for the Family Life Center, please turn things off, check thermostats and lights, etc.