October 10, 2010         Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

Twenty-Eighth Sunday               320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
     in Ordinary Time                                          (662) 226-2490
                                                                     Father Martin Ruane, Pastor

                                        www.olesouth.net/stpeter email: stpeter@cableone.net



Why Catholic?” We are very excited about out new session of “Why Catholic?” which begins this week. We are very grateful to our facilitators and we ask them to be as prepared as possible by being familiar with the Topic for Sharing.


Facilitators These are our facilitators: Mike Liberto 662-417-6220, Lee Munstenteiger 662-417-7948, John Portis 662-417-4781, Irene Stark 662-417-0968, Gerry Morris 662-417-1160, David Livingston 662-809-2432. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call your leader.


Make a DifferenceThere is a very worthwhile drive afoot to provide groceries, non-perishables, food items for the food Pantry So we are asking everybody to pitch in and help since a lot of people are having a difficult time because of the recession and scarcity of jobs. Groceries may be taken to R&S Cleaners on So. Commerce St.  


RIPPlease remember in your prayers Marcie Turner whose husband James passed away this past week, for whom a Mass of Resurrection was celebrated this past Friday. May God give him eternal rest and bless his wife and family. 


PleaseBecause of more complaints than usual of messy bathrooms, etc, etc… and some exorbitance utility cost we are appealing to the parents of little ones to accompany them to the bathroom. Please turn off all lights, thermostats, and lock the doors if you are the last ones leaving the building. A little effort from everybody will make everything so-so, good. Father Ruane


DID I HEAR 95?… We have           Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults

a big birthday party coming up.            The RICA continues this week after the 6:00pm evening Mass, and

Date: October 16th                                   again we want to extend a very special invitation to anybody who

Place: The Family Life Center               might be interested in our Catholic Faith. It’s not too late to start!

Time: 2:00pm to 4:00pm                        Topic: Quest for happiness.                                                                                                                  



Choose Life Rep. Chris Smith, in a speech opposing the proposed Senate health care bill (subsequently passed) stated: “Abortion is a serious, lethal violation of human rights—and now we are [on the verge of] being compelled to subsidize it. Slaughtering innocent children must never be construed as health care. True health care reform respects, protects, and enhances human life.” (NRL News, 1/10, p.7)     


Eucharistic Ministers/Sat Oct 9thDavid Livingston, Nancy Nickl, Joan Westin-------------------------Lector – Dan Buzzarde

Eucharistic Ministers/Sun Oct 10thCheri Messina, Dorothy Marascalco, Sam Marascalco--------------Lector – Joe Messina



***Sacrament of Reconciliation, Saturdays 5:15pm – 5:45pm**and on appointments***


Liturgical Appointments Please contact the church office to participate in the Liturgy.


IF Please if you cannot serve at a given Mass as Lector or Eucharist Minister, please call a replacement or call the Rectory. These are special ministries and a replacement should be found, if you cannot serve.

                            WEEKLY MASS CALENDAR


Mass Dates                                          Mass Times                            Mass Intentions

Saturday, October 9                                         6:00pm – St. Peter                              In Thanksgiving

Sunday, October 10                                         9:00am St. Peter                                People of St. Peter Parish

Sunday, October 10                                       11:15am – St. John                                People of St. John Parish

Monday, October 11                                        8:00am – St. Peter                                Michael Walsh - RIP

Tuesday, October 12                                        6:00pm – St. Peter                             Special Intention – L.R.

Wednesday, October 13                                     8:00am – St Peter                              Beulah Maranto - RIP

Thursday, October 14                                       8:00am – St. Peter                             John Cunniffe - RIP
Friday, October 15                                            8:00am – St. Peter                             Unfulfilled Intentions  


                                                  PRAY FOR THEM


Lynn Barker, Braxton Barnard, John Bell, Shirley Black, Mike Bowles, Mike Brewer, James Bruno, George Burleson, Delsie Burton, Robert Campassi, Carolyn Cerniglia, Bernice Clark, John Collier, Kelly Collier, James Cook Sr., Jim Criss, Sarah Criss, James Dykes, Sarah Edwards, Don Eldridge, Maria Evangelista, Walter Fariss, Allie Fava, Mary Helen Ferri, Bill Finch, Charlie Fowler, Shirley Fowler, Lucille Frenyea, Valinten Gagaboan, Christy Gant, James Gant, Mary Gessler, Christopher Griffin, Bonita Henson, Kent Hull, James Huddleston, Morgan Kay Jackson, Jan, Leonard Janiszewski, Jack Kilcrease, Mike Latham, Bishop Latino, Barb Licourt, Kelsey Lipe, Rodney Lippincott, Bobby Love, Lisa Mann, Adelfia Marascalco, Charlie Marascalco, Joseph Marascalco, Laurie Marascalco, Louise Marascalco, Sue Matthews, Jody McAnnally, Betty McCormick, Amanda McGee, Johnny Michelle, Lois Newton, Cody Oxner, Roger Patterson, Katie Parnell, Sandy Phillips, Lamar Pitcock, Jamie Pritchard, Wanda Ray, Eydie Ricks, Ralph Roe, Bernice Sandersan, Audrey Sarris, The Family of Robert Pitman, Sr. Anthony Ruane, Larry Ruane, David Sintes, Dan Thompson Jr., Beulah Vance, Anne Upchurch, Carl Walker, Jan Walker, Lisa Ward, Marguarite Womble, Betty Yonak, Jack Young.  If you would like to add or remove someone from the prayer list, please contact the rectory at 226-2490 Or email me at; stpeter@cableone.net


Collections, September 26th      PLEASE REMEMBER – TURN YOUR      Collections, October 3rd      

General Fund  -           $1,962.50     CELLPHONE OFF WHILE IN CHURCH!   General Fund  -      $2,540.00     

Building Fund –             $260.00                        Thank you for your cooperation.          Building Fund –         $965.00

Today’s Special Collection:                 Next Special Collection:                             Aged & Infirmed Priests     $560.00

                      NONE                                   Propagation of the Faith Oct. 17



* Oct 11 - Brandon Mardis        * Oct 11 – Lane Bennett        * Oct 13 – Teresa Liberto        * Oct 15 – Theresa Hamilton    

* Oct 16 – Roseline Provine                                                                                        



Bulletin Announcements The deadline for announcements will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to stpeter@cableone.net.


Knights of Columbus If you would like to contribute to the Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knights of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, Ms. 38901. Note: The K of C will meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, anyone wishing to join the Knights please contact any one of our Knights.


Please Remember... to check thermostats, lights, doors, and clean up when leaving our buildings. We have received some high utility bills for the Family Life Center, please turn things off, check thermostats and lights, etc.