November 14, 2010       Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

 Thirty-Third Sunday                  320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
in Ordinary Time                                          (662) 226-2490
Father Martin Ruane, Pastor



Knights of Columbus Anniversary MassPlease note that the Mass this Thursday, November 18th,

is at 6:00pm for the happy repose of the souls of our departed Knights and also for our parish families faithful departed. Food will be served after Mass. Let us make an honest effort to remember our dear departed ones.    


Important DatesNovember 25, 2010 Thanksgiving Day 9:00am Mass

                                 December 12, 2010 Christmas Supper, details later

                                        December 14, 2010 Reconciliation, details later


Thanksgiving is around the corner and it is a special time to give thanks to the Lord for our many blessings. We will have a special Mass at 9:00am on Thanksgiving Day. I know many of you have given non-perishable food items already to the Food Pantry, however, if you could bring a non-perishable food item to the Thanksgiving Day Mass it would be greatly appreciated. We have several people who come to our Rectory door and we hate to send them away empty handed. 


All Souls… The month of November in our Catholic Church is traditionally, the month in which we remember, with love and prayer the souls of our dear departed ones. Masses during the month of November, unless otherwise requested, will be offered for the faithfully departed. It would be nice to have some more of our people remember our dear departed ones at one of our daily Masses. MR


Preventive Health Screening Place: First Baptist Church – Family Life Center, Date: Monday, January 31, 2011.  More details later   


Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament  I would like to start Adoration of the Blessed  Sacrament for  one hour on the first Monday of each month. I want to see how many people would be supportive of this very special devotion. We can always extend the Adoration Time if the support is good. It would be nice to have some more of our people remember our dear departed ones at one of our daily Masses.  Our plans are to begin, if we have enough interested, the first Monday of December, the 6th, immediately after Mass. MR  


Choose Life Based on three consecutive Gallup polls, more people self-identify as “pro-life” than “pro-choice,” which is a major public opinion turnaround. Self-identifying as “pro-life” is now the “new normal,” according to senior Gallup editor Lydia Saad.  [NRL News, June, 2010]


__________________________QUOTES FOR THE WEEK_________________________

1. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”  [Thomas Edison, 1847-1931, inventor and Scientist]

2. “Perseverance is a great element of success, if you only knock long enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.   [Longfellow]     



Eucharistic Ministers/Sat Nov 13thKarla Houston, Jerome Boudreax, Rosemary Merriman--------------Lector – Irene Stark

Eucharistic Ministers/Sun Nov 14thCheri Messina, Suzanne Matrisciano, Tara Trost---------------------Lector – John Portis


***Sacrament of Reconciliation, Saturdays 5:15pm – 5:45pm**and on appointments***

                              WEEKLY MASS CALENDAR


Mass Dates                                          Mass Times                           Mass Intentions

Saturday, November 13                                   6:00pm – St. Peter                            Sean Kelly - RIP

Sunday, November 14                                     9:00am St. Peter                              People of St. Peter Parish Sunday, November 14                                   11:15am – St. John                              People of St. John Parish

Monday, November 15                                    8:00am – St. Peter                               Joseph Messina Sr. - RIP

Tuesday, November 16                                    6:00pm – St. Peter                            Fr. John Brock - RIP

Wednesday, November 17                               8:00am – St Peter                        Ross & Sara Liberto - RIP

Thursday, November 18                 6:00pm – St. Peter - Anniversary/Deceased Members/K of C & Parishioners    

Friday, November 19                                           8:00am – St. Peter                               Faithful Departed


                                                      PRAY FOR THEM


Lynn Barker, Braxton Barnard, John Bell, Shirley Black, Mike Bowles, Mike Brewer, James Bruno, George Burleson, Delsie Burton, Robert Campassi, Carolyn Cerniglia, Bernice Clark, John Collier, Kelly Collier, James Cook Sr., Jim Criss, Sarah Criss, James Dykes, Sarah Edwards, Don Eldridge, Walter Fariss, Allie Fava, Mary Helen Ferri, Bill Finch, Wayde Flem, Charlie Fowler, Shirley Fowler, Valinten Gagaboan, Christy Gant, James Gant, Mary Gessler, Christopher Griffin, Christina Handcock, Bonita Henson, Kent Hull, James Huddleston, Morgan Kay Jackson, Jan, Leonard Janiszewski, Jack Kilcrease, Bishop Latino, Kelsey Lipe, Rodney Lippincott, Bobby Love, Lisa Mann, Adelfia Marascalco, Charlie Marascalco, Joseph Marascalco, Laurie Marascalco, Louise Marascalco, Jody McAnnally, Betty McCormick, Amanda McGee, Johnny Michelle, Lois Newton, Roger Patterson, Katie Parnell, Lamar Pitcock, Family of Robert Pitman, Jamie Pritchard, Wanda Ray, Eydie Ricks, Ralph Roe, Bernice Sandersan, Family of Mike Stravroulous’s Dad, Sr. Anthony Ruane, Larry Ruane, David Sintes, Dan Thompson Jr., Beulah Vance, Anne Upchurch, Carl Walker, Jan Walker, Lisa Ward, Marguarite Womble, Betty Yonak, Jack Young.  If you would like to add or remove someone from the prayer list, please contact the rectory at 226-2490 Or email me at;


Collections; November 7th                       PLEASE REMEMBER – TURN YOUR      

General Fund  -        $3,021.00                                       CELLPHONE OFF WHILE IN CHURCH!                                              

Building Fund –          $565.00                                                         Thank you for your cooperation.                  

Diocese Mission          $377.00                                                                         Today’s Special Collection:                   

Human Development               $5.00                                                                                                                             NONE

                                                                                                              Next Special Collection:

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<BIRTHDAYS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Campaign/Human Development Nov.21st                                         

* Nov 13 – Joseph Liberto * Nov 17 – Bob Holland * Nov 18 – Nick Liberto                  

* Nov 19 – Valerie Holmes * Nov 19 – Marcus Cook *                                           


Bulletin Announcements The deadline for announcements will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to


Knights of Columbus If you would like to contribute to the Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knights of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, Ms. 38901. Note: The K of C will meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, anyone wishing to join the Knights please contact any one of our Knights.


Please Remember... to check thermostats, lights, doors, and clean up when leaving our buildings. We have received some high utility bills for the Family Life Center, please turn things off, check thermostats and lights, etc.   


Liturgical Appointments Please contact the church office to participate in the Liturgy.


IF Please if you cannot serve at a given Mass as Lector or Eucharist Minister, please call a replacement or call the Rectory. These are special ministries and a replacement should be found, if you cannot serve.