January 8, 2012           Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

The Epiphany of                           320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
      the Lord                                                     (662) 226-2490
                                                                Father Martin Ruane, Pastor

                                             www.olesouth.net/stpeter email: stpeter@cableone.net


Annual Reunion Father Ruane will be joining his brother priests for their annual reunion in Biloxi. If you should need a priest you may call the Rectory at (662) 26-2490 or Karla Houston at (662) 417-2333 or call Father Sam Messina at (662)563-2273.


R.C.I.A The RCIA will start back on Tuesday January 17, 2012. We encourage those who have been participating, and anybody else who might be interested, to please join us each Tuesday evening after the 6:00pm Mass. 


Church Envelopes We still have a number of envelopes which have not been collected. Please, please, take a quick look through the envelopes in our little vestibule and if your name shows up those are your envelopes, please take them home.        


Choose Life How like King Herod today’s abortion providers are. First, he pretends he wants to worship the new born baby Jesus, but hidden behind his deceitful words is a heart set on destruction of the Child. The magi, wise that they were, saw in a dream Herod’s true intentions and did not report the child’s location to the destruction-minded king. Today’s Herod’s tell that they have their best interests at heart, meanwhile planning the destruction of their unborn children. 


Words of Wisdom

  1. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”  (Thomas Edison, 1847-1931, Inventor and Entrepreneur)
  2. “No matter what business you’re in, you can’t run in place or someone will pass you by. It doesn’t matter how many games you’ve won.”  [Jim Valvano, American college basketball coach]
  3. When I was young, I found out that the big toe always ends up by making a hole in a sock. So I stopped wearing socks.  (Albert Einstein 1879-1955)
  4. 5. When Pope John XXIII succeeded Pius XII in 1958, an observer summed up the general feeling with, ‘Quel altro (the other fellow) was closer to God, but questo (this fellow) is closer to us.’ 
  5. 6. A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.  Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

6.        . “Those with goals tend to succeed because they are focused and know where they are going, while those without goals do not.” (Ted Karam, Author)

7.        4. “The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.” (Pearl S. Buck1892-1973, Writer)


Eucharistic Ministers/Sat Jan 7thTeresa Dear, Norma Huddleston, Marjorie Testa--------------------------Lector – Don Tartt Jr.

Eucharistic Ministers/Sun Jan 8th Dorothy Marascalco, John Saia, Martha Saia--------------------------Lector – Sam Marascalco


Please Remember... to check thermostats, lights, doors, and clean up when leaving our buildings. We have received some high utility bills for the Family Life Center, please turn things off, check thermostats and lights, etc.  

                            WEEKLY MASS CALENDAR


Mass Dates                                        Mass Times                               Mass Intentions 

Saturday, January 7                                             6:00pm – St. Peter                                     Special Intentions - MR

Sunday, January 8                                                 9:00am – St. Peter                                     People of St. Peter Parish

Sunday, January 8                                              11:15am – St. John                                      People of St. John Parish

Monday, January 9                                                8:00am – St. Peter                                     Communion Service   

Tuesday, January 10                                            6:00pm – St. Peter                                       Communion Service    Wednesday January 11                                         8:00am - St. Peter                                      Communion Service   

Thursday January 12                                             8:00am – St. Peter                                     Communion Service   

Friday, January 13                                                   8:00am – St. Peter                                     Bill Monahan – RIP   


                                                   PRAY FOR THEM


Lynn Barker, Shirley Black, Tina Ryals Blaylock, Mike Bowles, James Bruno, Delsie Burton, Carolyn Cerniglia, Bernice Clark, John Collier, Kelly Collier, James Cook Sr., Russell Cooper, Sarah Criss, Rod Crosby, Ronald Dupont, Don Eldridge, Walter Fariss, Allie Fava, Mary Helen Ferri, Bill Finch, Charlie Fowler, Shirley Fowler, Bobby Frazier, Valinten Gagaboan, Christy Gant, James Gant, Mary Gessler, Melonie Goolsby, Christopher Griffin, Bonita Henson, James Huddleston, Morgan Kay Jackson, Jan, Leonard Janiszewski, Willie Kern, Jack Kilcrease, Bishop Latino, Misty Lewis, Mike Liddell, Barb Licourt, Rodney Lippincott, Bobby Love, Lisa Mann, Adelfia Marascalco, Joseph Marascalco, Laurie Marascalco, Louise Marascalco, Jody McAnnally, Betty McCormick, Ed Merriman, Amanda McGee, Demp McGee, Johnny Michelle, Evelyn Morgan, Megan Morley, Lois Newton, Roger Patterson, Katie Parnell, Al Perry, Lamar Pitcock, Ernie Preshard, Jamie Pritchard, Wanda Ray, Eydie Ricks, Ralph Roe, Sr. Anthony Ruane, John Ruane, Roy Russelle, Rylee Ryals, Bernice Sandersan, John Sarbou, Carrie Snavely, David Sintes, Dan Thompson Jr., Anne Upchurch, Carl Walker, Jan Walker, Lisa Ward, Joan Westin, Lisa Wimberley, Marguarite Womble, Ouida Yates, Betty Yonak.  If you would like to add or remove someone from the prayer list, please contact the rectory at 226-2490 Or email me at; stpeter@cableone.net


*Sacrament of Reconciliation, Saturdays 5:15pm – 5:45pm**and by appointment*


Collections: January    1st          Today’s Special Collection:             <<<BIRTHDAYS>>>

General Collection         $1,910.20               Saltillo Missions – Jan. 8th 2012                     Jan 9 – Beth Logan           Building Fund                   $360.00                                                                                   Jan 9 – Dean Serio            

Special donor   (BF)      $2,500.00               Next Special Collection:                Jan 11 – James Cook Sr.

Saltillo Missions                       $5.00             Catholic Home Missions – Jan. 22nd 2012                Jan 11 – Kathy Barranco

Catholic Home Missions           $5.00                                                                                  Jan 11 – Zachary Vogt

                                                                                                                                                                     Jan 13 – Karen Munstenteiger  


Bulletin Announcements The deadline for announcements will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to stpeter@cableone.net


Knights of Columbus If you would like to contribute to the Knights of Columbus10443/Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knights of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, MS. 38901.

Note: The K of C will meet the 2nd Sunday of each month, the 4th degree Knights will meet the 3rd Sunday of each month, anyone wishing to join the Knights please contact any one of our Knights.