Sunday March 4, 2007           Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

                                                         320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
                                                                         (662) 226-2490
                                                            Father Martin Ruane, Pastor



We are hoping that all of our young people, in grades 7 through 12, will join us on Sunday evening at 5:00 for our Lenten program.  This can be a very valuable experience for our youth.  Since some of our parents make the effort to provide the food and a very worthwhile message, we are hoping that the rest of our parents will make every effort to see that their youth attend this gathering.



RCIA will meet immediately after 6:00 pm mass on Tuesday.  We will review the Eucharist and discuss Confirmation.  Anyone who may be interested in learning more about these topics is welcome to join us.



We will have the Way of the Cross, and Holy Communion on Friday at 6:00 pm.  We hope you are able to come and join us for this beautiful devotion during this most holy season of Lent.



Bishop Latino, in conjunction with Bishop Duncan Gray of the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi and Bishop Hope Ward of the united Methodist Mississippi Conference, has declared the year 2007 the “Year of the Child”.  They are working together, with their congregations throughout the state, to focus attention on the status of the children of Mississippi.  We are fortunate to host Sister Donna Gunn, who has been working with parishes throughout the state to educate them about the plight of Mississippi’s children.  Please join us after mass on Sunday, March 25th in the Family Life Center to hear Sister Donna as she discusses the greatest concerns for children in our area.


It would be nice to see a few more people at daily mass during Lent.  We keep inviting, and hoping that you will join us.


Please mark your calendars dear friends, and plan to join us for our reconciliation/penance/confession service on Wednesday, March 21st, at 6:00 pm.  I will have several priests available for this very important Lenten service.



10 MINUTES THAT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE! - Do you have high cholesterol?  Do you smoke?  Do you eat fatty foods often?  If yes, you may want to consider being screened for stroke risk.  Life Line Screening screens the carotid arteries as up to 75% of all strokes are linked to plaque build up in the carotid arteries.   St Peter Catholic Church is hosting a screening on Thursday, March 29th.   Call 1.800.324.1851 for more information or to pre-register.  The cost of this screening is $129 for all four tests.


LENTEN DEVOTIONSWe have provided a nice little daily meditation for families for the season of Lent.  If you didn’t pick one up after mass on Ash Wednesday, there are still some left in the vestibule.


BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS - The deadline for announcements will be on Thursday at noon. 

Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to


                  Mass Times                                                                            Intentions

Saturday, March 3                                         6:00 pm – St. Peter’s                           Ron Bush – RIP

Sunday, March 4                                  9:00 am - St. Peter’s                              People of St. Peter’s Parish

Sunday, March 4                                  11:15 am – St. John’s                           People of St. John’s Parish

Monday, March 5                                                8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Special Intentions -JW

Tuesday, March 6                              6:00 pm - St. Peter’s                              Doris Dupont - RIP

Wednesday, March 7                       8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Special Intentions – MR

Thursday, March 8                                          6:00 pm - St. Peter’s                              Special Intentions - GC

Friday, March 9                                       8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Giovanni Liberto - RIP



Carol Artman

Maria Evangelista

Adelfia Marascalco

Betty McCormick

Larry Stokes

Davis Baker

Valinten Gagaboan

Charlie Marascalco

Amanda McGee

Henry Theis

Bob Bruce

Mary Geesler

Dona Marascalco

Johnny Michelle

Anne Upchurch

James Bruno

Cled Gregory

Joseph Marascalco

Bobby Monahan

Carl Walker

John Collier

Bonita Henson

Lenora Marascalco

Sarah Powell

Jan Walker

Kelly Collier

Emma Hovey

Mary V. Marascalco

Jamie Pritchard

Dora Wesley

Thomas Collier

Leonard Janiszewski

Robbie Marascalco

Tricia Shankle

LQ Woods

Sarah Criss

Rodney Lippincott

Louise Matthews

David Shriver III

Marguarite Womble

Elizabeth Daly

Dixie Lyons

Jody McAnnally

Suzette Stuebben

Betty Yonak


If you have anyone who is ill or homebound, or hospitalized, please contact the rectory so they can be added to

our prayer list, and Father Ruane can visit with them and pray with them.



Please contact the church office to participate in the Liturgy.

God’s housekeepers for March:  Joan Westin


COLLECTIONS                                                                   BIRTHDAYS                                

                                                 Feb. 25                                   March 3 – Pauly Oakes

Offertory                                               $1373.00                 March 3 – Nicholas Mumme

Building Fund                                          436.00                     March 8 – Peach Ryals

Votives                                                         55.00                       March 8 – Camille Stewart

Mississippi Catholic                       38.00                      



If you would like to contribute to the Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knights of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, MS 38901.


PLEASE REMEMBER… check thermostats, lights, doors, and clean up when leaving our buildings. 

Also, think carefully before ordering.  When a box arrives, usually a bill arrives shortly thereafter. 



MEDICARE - For our parishioners on Medicare:  Information about 2007 Medicare Part D Prescription coverage is available to all parishioners on Medicare through Catholic Golden Age.  Call toll-free 1-866-825-4210 for enrollment information.


THINKING OF PRIESTHOOD? - For those thinking about the priesthood, a Jackson-area group meets periodically for prayers and discussion about faith and vocation – with no commitment or expectations – just the opportunity to connect with others who have similar interests and questions.  CONTACT:  Father Kent Bowlds, vocation director, 601-944-9844,


Catholic Radio - I am pleased to announce that The Catholic Channel on Sirius Satellite Radio is on the air!  Our first official broadcast was Mass for the first Sunday of Advent from Saint Patrick's Cathedral, and our regular programming kicked off the next day, Monday, December 4.  We're up and running, and I hope that anyone with a Sirius radio will tune to Channel 159 to give us a listen.  Here's a link to our Catholic Channel webpage.  (From Joseph Zwilling, Director of Communications - Archdiocese of New York. 212-371-1011 ext. 2997).