Sunday January 18, 2009          Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

                                                          320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
                                                                             (662) 226-2490
                                                                 Father Martin Ruane, Pastor



A SPECIAL GIFTWe have as part of our Catholic Faith made available to us almost every day the beautiful gift of the Eucharist. [Mass] When we have the privilege of sharing the scripture readings and dining with the Lord at His table when we receive His Body and Blood, wouldn’t it be wonderful if more of our people would share in this gift.


    NOTE:     Daily Mass on Thursday will now be celebrated at 8:00am because of a rather poor

CHANGE:   attendance at the 6:00pm Mass.


CONFIRMATIONPlease remember that the parents of our confirmation young people will meet with

PARENTSFr. Ruane after the 9:00am Mass this Sunday January 18th.  It is important that both parents try to be present.


BIBLE SCHOOL – Now that Bible School has resumed, we again encourage all of our children to participate in these classes. We are always disappointed when some of our children are absent for varying reasons.


THE R.C.I.A. will meet this Tuesday January 20th immediately after the 6:00pm Mass.

The Topic will be: The Review of the Sacraments in General and the Treatment of the Sacrament of Baptism.


CHOOSE LIFEAs we mark the 36th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s legalization of abortion, this question still confronts our society: Which living members of the human species should be seen as having fundamental human rights, such as a right not to be killed? The answer that still evades so many is: no human being should be treated as lacking human rights, and we have no business dividing humanity into those who are valuable enough to warrant protection and those who are not.   




________________________QUOTES FOR THE WEEK_____________________________

  1. The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.    Michelangelo Buonarroti [1474-1564] Italian Renaissance Painter and Sculptor     
  2. They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin 

       3.    Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got.  Janis Joplin, (American Folk Singer)


NOTE: The Jr. CYO will resume meeting this Wednesday in the Family Life Center at 5:30pm. 


Eucharistic Ministers/Sat Jan 17thJoan Westin, Dorothy Howell, Rosemary Merriman-------Lector – Gerry Morris

Eucharistic Ministers/Sun Jan 18thBarbara Liberto, Myra Liberto, Kathleen Cooper----------Lector – Mike Liberto


BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS - The deadline for announcements will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to

                                      WEEKLY MASS CALENDAR


Mass Dates                                     Mass Times                               Mass Intentions

Saturday, Jan 17                                         6:00pm – St. Peter                             Fr. Tim Ruane - RIP

Sunday, Jan 18                                          9:00am St. Peter                                              People of St. Peter Parish

Sunday, Jan 18                                        11:15am – St. John                                  People of St. John Parish

Monday, Jan 19                                         8:00am – St. Peter                                              O. Royce - RIP

Tuesday, Jan 20                                         6:00pm – St. Peter                                Sara Liberto - RIP

Wednesday, Jan 21                                     8:00am – St Peter                                  Unfulfilled Intentions

Thursday, Jan 22                                       8:00am – St. Peter                                 Frank Bendinelli - RIP

Friday, Jan 23                                              8:00am – St. Peter                                 Mary Denton - RIP




Randy Aldridge, Carol Artman, Jerome Beard, John Bell, Mike Bowles, James Bruno, George Burleson,

Delsie Burton, Audrey Carter, Carolyn Cerniglia, Nancy Cerniglia, John Collier, Kelly Collier, Thomas Collier, James E. Cook, Jeanette Cook, Helen Corbett, Cynthia Correro, Sarah Criss, Mary Dyre, Don Eldridge,

Mary Enriquez, Maria Evangelista, Walter Fariss, Allie Fava, Brenda Ferguson, Bill Finch, Shirley Fowler, Valinten Gagaboan, Christy Gant, James Gant, Mary Gessler, Chip Graham, Linda Gravlee, Bonita Henson,

Jim Hertel, Rick Holmes, James Huddleston, Morgan Kay Jackson, Leonard Janiszewski, Catherine Jones, Rodney Lippincott, Bobby Love, Adelfia Marascalco, Charlie Marascalco, Dona Marascalco, Joseph Marascalco, Laurie Marascalco, Louise Marascalco, Pete Marascalco, Mary Mardis, Jody McAnnally, Betty McCormick, Amanda McGee, Johnny Michelle, Mitch Mitchell, Marietta Morrison, Lois Newton, Roger Patterson,

Sarah Powell, Jamie Pritchard, Eydie Ricks, Ralph Roe, Sister Anthony Ruane, David Sintes, Bob Smith,

Larry Stokes, Dan Thompson Jr., Anne Upchurch, Robbie Upchurch, Carl Walker, Jan Walker, Lisa Ward, Marguarite Womble, Betty Yonak.


Collections, Jan. 11th                Next Special Collection:             <<<BIRTHDAYS>>>   

General Fund       $2,301.53                       Special Offering 1-25-09                       Jan 14– Phillip A. Messina 

Building Fund      $   562.50                 Catholic Home Missions Appeal                            “one year young” 

Miss. Catholic      $       3.86                                                                                      Jan 19 – Irene Stark 

Saltillo Mission    $1,254.77                                                                                      Jan 21 - Jeannie Logan

Catholic Home-                                     Today’s Special Collection:                      Jan 22 – Tootie Perrin   

Missions Appeal       $53.77                             None Today                                     Jan 22 – Jan Guilambo


SICK/HOMEBOUND/HOSPITALIZED - If you have anyone who is ill or homebound, or hospitalized please contact the rectory so they can be added to our prayer list and Father Ruane can visit with them and pray for them.


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - If you would like to contribute to the Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knights of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, MS 38901.


PLEASE check thermostats, lights, doors, and clean up when leaving our buildings. We have received some high utility bills for the Family Life Center, please turn things off, check thermostats and lights, etc.


LITURGICAL APPOINTMENTS - Please contact the church office to participate in the Liturgy.