Sunday March 2, 2008       Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

                                                         320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
                                                                         (662) 226-2490
                                                             Father Martin Ruane, Pastor



GOD BLESS SYDNEY – Sydney Huddleston is a very special little girl and this morning we rejoice with her and her parents, Garth and Tammie Huddleston---family and friends as she makes her First Holy Communion. May God bless her now and always.


PENANCE SERVICE – Please, Please, plan to join us on March 12, for our Penance Reconciliation

MARCH 12TH   [confession] Service. We will be fortunate to have several priest here and we hope that you will all make an effort to make a good confession in preparation for the Sacred Service of Holy Week.  


PARISH FISH FRY– Please plan to join our Church Family for a fish fry after the Way of the Cross Meditation and Holy Communion on March 14th .We ask our people to come to the Church Service First.

Food etc, will be served immediately after the 6:15pm service.  


FRIDAY’S OF LENT – In addition to the Friday morning Mass at 8:00am we are hoping that many of our people will be able to join us for The Way of The Cross and Holy Communion at 6:15pm Friday night.


REMEMBER – Please remember that the Friday’s of Lent are days of Abstinence.


SUGGESTIONS   1. Participate in Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings.

FOR                        2. Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. (Good confessions) 

LENT                      3. Participate in week day Mass once a week.

                                     4. Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.


R.C.I.A. – The R.C.I.A. will meet this Tuesday evening the 26th immediately after the 6:00pm Mass

Topic: The Sacraments and Sacramentals.  


IF ***** If for any reason you are unable to serve as Lector or Eucharist Minister when assigned Please make every effort to get a replacement.  Thank You                                                                                                                



Eucharistic Ministers/Sat.  March 8th – Joan Westin, Karla Houston, Jerome Boudreax------------------Lector – Gerry Morris

Eucharistic Ministers/Sun. March 9th – Lynn Bennett, Barbara Liberto, Myra Liberto--------------------Lector – Mike Liberto ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


CHOOSE LIFE“Tragically, a person will abort with the hope of salvaging their relationship, but the toxic aftereffects of abortion are like a radioactive seed planted in the heart of the relationship that will, at varying speeds, kill the relationship.”  (Kevin Burke of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries and Priests for Life)   


CONGRATULATIONS – We congratulate and ask for your prayers for Sydney Hood, Christy Strong, Cynthia Logan, and John Adams who will be united with our Church Family on Holy Saturday night through baptism and Profession of Faith. We ask you to remember these special people in your prayers and pray God’s Blessings on them.           


GOING TO ROMANIA – Father Brock informs me that he is planning a trip to Romania in April, if you wish to help him with some of the poor people there you can mail him at:

306 Briarwood Road, Natchez, MS.  39120


                                                                           WEEKLY MASS CALENDAR


Mass Dates                                    Mass Times                             Mass Intentions


Saturday, March 1                                        6:00 pm – St. Peter                                Frank P Marascalco - RIP

Sunday, March 2                                        9:00 am - St. Peter                                            People of St Peter Parish

Sunday, March 2                                       11:15am – St. John                            People of St. John Parish

Monday, March 3                                            8:00 am - St. Peter                                             Mary Denton - RIP

Tuesday, March 4                                        6:00pm – St. Peter                                            Catechumens & Canidates - MR

Wednesday, March 5                           8:00am - St. Peter                          Special Intentions - MR

Thursday, March 6                                        6:00 pm - St. Peter                                             Unfulfilled Intentions - MR Friday, March 7                            8:00 am & 6:15pm – St. Peter           Marie Marascalco - RIP


                                                         PRAYER LIST


Randy Aldridge, Carol Artman, Jerome Beard, John Bell, Mike Bowles, James Bruno, George Burleson,

Delsie Burton, Audrey Carter, Carolyn Cerniglia, Nancy Cerniglia, John Collier, Kelly Collier, Thomas Collier, Sarah Criss, Betsy Elliott, Mary Enriquez, Maria Evangelista, Walter Fariss, Bill Finch, Gloria Funderburg,

Valinten Gagaboan, Mary Gessler, Cled Gregory, Bonita Henson, Leonard Janiszewski, Ann Kraus, Lisa Kraus, Rodney Lippincott, Adelfia Marascalco, Charlie Marascalco, Dona Marascalco, Joseph Marascalco,

Laurie Marascalco, Louise Marascalco, Jody McAnnally, Betty McCormick, Amanda McGee, Johnny Michelle, Mitch Mitchell, Bobby Monahan, Lois Newton, Sarah Powell, Jamie Pritchard, Eydie Ricks, Ralph Roe,

Sister Anthony Ruane, David Shiver III, Suzette Stuebben, Larry Stokes, Henry Theis, Anne Upchurch,

Carl Walker, Jan Walker, Doral Wesley, Marguarite Womble, Betty Yonak.


COLLECTIONS          February 24th    Easter Envelopes;          BIRTHDAYS

Offertory                                   $1,672.00                      for flowers                          March 1 – MaryAnn Harbin               

Building Fund                        $   420.00                     are at the back                      March 1 – Martha Garrick            

Black & Indian Missions       $     30.00                     of the Church                       March 1 – Desmon Hollis

Mississippi Catholic              $     20.00                                                                  March 1 – Frankie Fortier

                                                                                                                                 March 3 – Pauly Oakes

                                                                                                                                 March 3 – Nicholas Mumme


LITURGICAL APPOINTMENTS - Please contact the church office to participate in the Liturgy.


USHERS AND LECTORS We thank our parishioners who serve faithfully as ushers and lectors at Mass. We are always in need of additional ushers and lectors and if anyone is interested please call the rectory or let Father Ruane know.


SICK/HOMEBOUND/HOSPITALIZED - If you have anyone who is ill or homebound, or hospitalized please contact the rectory so they can be added to our prayer list and Father Ruane can visit with them and pray for them.


BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS - The deadline for announcements will be on Thursday at noon. 

Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to


PLEASE REMEMBER… check thermostats, lights, doors, and clean up when leaving our buildings.  We have received some high utility bills for the Family Life Center, please turn things off,                          

check thermostats, check lights, etc.  


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - If you would like to contribute to the Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knights of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, MS 38901.