Sunday August 3, 2008 Saint Peter the Apostle
Catholic Church
College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
(662) 226-2490
Father Martin Ruane, Pastor email:
B S We are grateful to our church family K-1 Martha Liberto
9th - Tara Trost
I C members who are willing to teach our 2-3 Irene
Stark 10th
Frankie Fortier
B H children in bible school This coming 4-5 Christy Strong
11-12 Confirmation Lynn Bennett
year. The teachers that have accepted 6-7 Karla Houston
are as
. 8th -
Tina Wagner
* L We will more than likely begin the bible school year with a
church family breakfast details later. More
details on bible school registration and beginning date later.
R. The R.C.I.A. is the usual way by which
people come into full
communion with
the Catholic Church. If you or anybody
know is interested in becoming a
member of the Catholic Church,
A. Please call the Rectory at:
Why Catholic?...This fall, all parishioners will be participating in a program
designed to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ as well as give us a deeper
understanding of our Catholic faith.
This nationwide program, called Why Catholic? will have parishes in
34 dioceses in the United States participating. The program is designed to teach us about
the richness of our Catholic faith, to show each parishioner how to spread the Good News
of Jesus, how to live our faith with enthusiasm and invite others to learn about the Good
News of Jesus and the good news of our Catholic faith. Keep watching for more info.
WELCOME, NEWCOMERS! We welcome newcomers to our parish and we encourage those who
are new in the parish to register as parishioners. Newcomers
with children are encouraged to register their children in the Parish School of Religion
in August. New parishioner registration forms
can be found on the bulletin board in the vestibule or may be picked up at the Parish
Rectory. If you are a new parishioner and
would like to receive church donation envelopes, please contact Karla or Fr. Ruane at
1. Be more concerned with your character
than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation
is merely what others think you are. John
Wooden, (1910-,
American Basketball Coach)
2. When people cease to believe in
something, they do not believe in nothing; they believe in anything.
K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
3. Even reason is a matter of faith. It is
an act of faith to assert that our thoughts have any relationship to reality at all. G.
K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
4. A woman is like a teabag: only in hot
water do you realize how strong she is.
Nancy Regan (b. 1923)
CHOOSE LIFE It is morally incoherent to say
that abortion is wrong at some stages, and by some methods, but unacceptable at others.
Human life is indivisible in its moral value. Either it is always and everywhere sacred,
or it is always or everywhere disposable. There can be no middle ground. (Fr.
Frank Pavone, Priests for Life)
Mass Dates
Mass Times
Mass Intentions
Saturday, Aug. 2
6:00pm St. Peter
Joseph L. Marascalco - RIP
Sunday, Aug. 3
St. Peter
People of St. Peter Parish
Sunday, Aug. 3
11:15am St. John
People of St. John Parish
Monday, Aug.
8:00am St. Peter
C. Marascalco RIP
Aug. 5
6:00pm St. Peter
William Cook RIP
Aug. 6 8:00am
St Peter
Vincent de Paul Marascalco MR
Aug. 7
6:00pm St. Peter
Intentions MR
Friday, Aug.
St. Peter
Elizabeth Daly - RIP
Randy Aldridge, Carol Artman, Jerome
Beard, John Bell, Mike Bowles, James Bruno, George Burleson,
Delsie Burton, Audrey Carter, Carolyn
Cerniglia, Nancy Cerniglia, John Collier, Kelly Collier, Thomas Collier, James E. Cook,
Jeanette Cook, Helen Corbett, Cynthia Correro, Sarah Criss, Betsy Elliott, Mary Enriquez,
Evangelista, Walter Fariss, Brenda Ferguson, Bill Finch, Valinten Gagaboan, Mary Gessler,
Linda Gravlee, Bonita Henson, Leonard
Janiszewski, Ann Kraus, Lisa Kraus, Rodney Lippincott, Bobby Love, Adelfia Marascalco,
Charlie Marascalco, Dona Marascalco, Joseph Marascalco, Laurie Marascalco,
Louise Marascalco, Jody McAnnally,
Betty McCormick, Amanda McGee, Johnny Michelle, Mitch Mitchell, Bobby Monahan, Lois
Newton, Roger Patterson, Sarah Powell, Jamie Pritchard, Eydie Ricks, Ralph Roe,
Sister Anthony Ruane, Ben Sanders,
David Shiver III, Suzette Stuebben, Larry Stokes, Dan Thompson Jr.,
Anne Upchurch, Carl Walker, Jan
Walker, Lisa Ward, Doral Wesley, Marguarite Womble, Betty Yonak.
Collections July
27th Next
Special Collection: BIRTHDAYS
Offertory $2,069.90
August 3rd for
Aug 3 Lee Munstenteiger
Fund $ 652.50
Aid to the Church in
Aug 6 Sam Barranco
Central and Eastern Europe.
Aug 8 James Fortier
Eucharistic Ministers/Sat. Aug 9th Karla Houston, Jerome Boudreax, Irene
Stark------------Lector Dan Buzzarde
Eucharistic Ministers/Sun Aug 10th John Saia, Martha Saia, David
Upchurch-----------------Lector Matt Mumme
church office to participate in the Liturgy.
SICK/HOMEBOUND/HOSPITALIZED - If you have anyone who is ill or
homebound, or hospitalized please contact the rectory so they can be added to our prayer
list and Father Ruane can visit with them and pray for them.
would like to contribute to the Chris Harris
Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knights of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada,
MS 38901.
PLEASE check thermostats, lights, doors,
and clean up when leaving our buildings. We have received some high utility bills
for the Family Life Center, please turn things off, check thermostats and lights, etc.
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS - The deadline for announcements will be
on Thursday at noon. Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to