Sunday September 3, 2006              Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

                                                         320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
                                                                         (662) 226-2490
                                                            Father Martin Ruane, Pastor



A warm welcome back to Father Ruane.  We hope he had a wonderful time visiting family and friends in Ireland.  We are very grateful for his return.



Tentative plans are to hopefully start and RCIA class the first Tuesday of October, after the 6:00 pm mass.  More details on this from the pulpit, and in the bulletin.  -MR 



Passing on our beautiful Catholic faith to our children is a great responsibility for parents, Bible School teachers, and Father Ruane.  I am hoping and praying that every family will register their children in our Bible School classes and that we in turn will make every effort to share the teachings of our faith with them.  There will be a table set up outside of church.  Please register your children for classes as you leave mass.

*** September 10 – There will be a Child Protection meeting after mass for teachers, substitutes, CYO

helpers, or anyone else involved with the youth of our parish.

*** September 13 – There will be a special mass at 6:00 pm for Bible School  parents, teachers and

students.  Father will meet with the parents and teachers after mass.

*** September 17 – Catechetical Sunday – There will be a special mass, where we will recognize our

Bible School teachers.  Bible School will begin after mass.



We will kick-off the CYO year with a cook-out at Charlie and Donna Walker’s on Sunday, September 17th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.  All youth in grades 7 through 12 are invited to attend.  The address is 416 Country Ridge Rd.  Contact Lisa Thomas, Donna Walker, or Jeannie Logan for more information.


HOSPITAL…….. Due to the privacy act, hospitals no longer provide a list of patients for our use as clergy.  Accordingly, I need your assistance.  Please call the parish office when you have a family member, a friend, or relative hospitalized so that I may visit with them and pray with them.   –Fr. Ruane



The Bishop’s Cup Golf Tournament will be held Wednesday, September 13th at Colonial Country Club in Jackson at 12:30 pm.  Registration forms are in the back of the church, or call the Catholic Foundation at (601)960-8478 for more information.  The net proceeds will be split between supporting our priests’ retirement and the good works of the Catholic Foundation.



Due to the heat in the CAB, the Knights of Columbus meetings have been temporarily suspended.  Meetings will resume sometime in September.  Watch for more information in the bulletin, or from Lee M.


Also, due to the heat, coffee and doughnuts has been suspended.


                  Mass Times                                                                      Intentions

Saturday, September 2                        6:00 pm – St. Peter’s                            Ned Walsch - RIP

Sunday, September 3                           9:00 am - St. Peter’s                              People of St. Peter’s Parish

Sunday, September 3                           11:15 am – St. John’s                           People of St. John’s Parish

Monday, September 4                         8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Special Intentions - EF

Tuesday, September 5                         8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Sidney Bennett - RIP

Wednesday, September 6                   8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Fr. Charles Scahill - RIP

Thursday, September 7                       8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Special Intentions - MR

Friday, September 8                             8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Mary Denton  RIP


Prayer List

Bob Bruce

Cled Gregory

Robbie Marascalco

Jamie Pritchard

Elmarie Williams

James Bruno

Bonita Henson

Louise Matthews

Tom Sherman

Marguarite Womble

Ron Bush

Leonard Janiszewski

Jody McAnnally

David Shriver III

Betty Yonak

Sarah Criss

Dixie Lyons

Betty McCormick

Larry Stokes

Emma Hovey

Elizabeth Daly

Adelfia Marascalco

Amanda McGee

Suzette Stuebben


Frank Dichiara

Charlie Marascalco

Johnny Michelle

Henry Theis


Maria Evangelista

Dona Marascalco

Dr. Bill Monohan

Mary Theis


Valinten Gagaboan

Joseph Marascalco

Lorayne Onder

Carl Walker


Mary Geesler

Mary V. Marascalco

Sarah Powell

Jan Walker




September 9                                             September 10


Extraordinary Ministers                                             PLEASE SIGN UP IN THE BACK                            

Altar Servers                                                           OF CHURCH TO ASSIST WITH MASS                    

Cross Bearer                                                                                                                        

Gift Bearers                                                                                                          

Greeters                                                                 Knights of Columbus                          Knights of Columbus

Church cleaners for September are needed.


COLLECTIONS                                                     BIRTHDAYS

                                                                     August 27                            September 2 – Nick Palazzolo                                     

Regular Offering                                                   $1549.00                 September 3 – Martha Saia

Building Fund                                                           425.00                 September 3 – David Daigneault

Central & Eastern Europe Special                          10.00                                  September 5 – David Shiver

Hurricane Katrina Special                                      464.00                  September 6 – Maxene Bailey

Building Fund to Date                                  $203,511.00                   September 6 – Rebecca Fuller

Family Life Center expenses to date         $316,646.28                    September 6 – Carol Artman

                                                                                                                                September 7 – Rachel Dear

                                                                                                                                September 7 – Lynne Marascalco

                                                                                                                                September 8 – Mary Cooper



The deadline for announcements for the bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.  Please contact the rectory at

226-2490, or send an email to



If you would like to contribute to the Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knight of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, MS 38901.


Please contribute generously to the Priest Education Fund cross in the vestibule



The Ladies Auxiliary has religious articles for sale.   If you are interested in purchasing some, you may contact Connie Fariss for more information.