2nd Collection


Tsunami Collection

Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901   (662) 226-2490

Rev. John O. Brock, Pastor www.olesouth.net/stpeter


January 23, 2005    3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


                   Mass Times                           Mass Intentions                                            Saturday   6:00 pm   St. Peter’s (Grenada)     Catholic Community           

Sunday     9:00 am   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        Catholic Community

Sunday  11:15 am    St. John’s (Charleston)  Catholic Community    

          NO     Daily Masses                          

Monday            8 am    St. Peter’s        

Tuesday           8am    St. Peter’s        

Wednesday     8 am    St. Peter’s        

Thursday         8 am    St. Peter’s        

Friday               8am     St. Peter’s                                  

             Mass Intentions


NO Daily Masses till

  Fr. Brock returns … Feb. 3




Sat. 1/29      6 p.m.

Bob Smith

Communion Service



Communion Service

Knights of Columbus

Liturgical Appointments:


<Extraordinary Ministers>

<Altar Servers>

<Cross Bearer>

<Gift Bearers>


Sun. 1/30    9 a.m.    

Verble Alexander

Communion Service



Communion Service

Knights of Columbus


Coffee & Donuts HostNeeded this week. Next week’s host is NEEDED. Please sign up! Thanks!



Church cleaners for January … Raymond and Myra Liberto. Thanks!




Happy Birthday

Raymond Liberto, 1/25; Patrice Cummins, 1/27; Matt Mumme, 1/27; Dolly Marascalco, 1/29.

Knights of Columbus meet this Sunday in the CAB.



*** Fr. Brock will be in Romania from Jan. 10 till Feb. 3 ***


The Ladies’ Auxiliary will be selling raffle tickets for the upcoming State Convention. See Rosa Buzzarde!

 The Ladies’ Auxiliary is collecting soft drink tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Please help by donating your tabs to Rosa Buzzarde or any Ladies’ Auxiliary member. THANKS!

‘New’ Women’s Bible Study


“A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Wellness”


Sundays @ 1:30 pm

Ed Building

Contact Jeanne Logan for more info … 226-0406


Books can be obtained at the

Cornerstone Bookstore.


Marriage Enrichment Weekend

Feb. 18-20   Camp Garaywa  Clinton, MS



“Staying Alive in the Meantime”

College Student Retreat

Holmes County State Park

Feb. 25-27

Ages 18-23  $40/person due Feb. 11

662-252-9801 or glumbs@aol.com


Sacrament of Reconciliation … Saturdays 5:30 – 5:45 pm         


CCD meets Sundays … 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Chuck Macko, seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.  Pray for more vocations

Prayer – Please remember our sick and shut-ins … Mary and Henry Theis, Mary V. Marascalco, Elizabeth Daly, Elmarie Williams,  Lucille Frenyea, Ron Bush,  Ed & Eddie Merriman, Pat Gilbreath, Dorthea Laycock, Alexa Cooke, Dick Sullivan, James West Thompson, Kathy Marrale, Charlie Marascalco, Valinten Gagaboan, Fred Grossman, Dona Marascalco, Ken Stark, Eva Bell Meirs, James Bruno, Mable Zitzelberger, Joyce Zaniszewski, Pearl Gurley, Katie Boone, Van Rodgers, Bobby Monahan, Scott Olsen, Jesus’ Martinez, Gladys Ladimer, Christine Liberto, Mary Martha Morgan, Shirley Fowler, Rev. Don McCain,  Bill Denny, Jamie Young, Tammie Townsend, Patricia Bell, Catherine Testa Liberto, John Wilkenson, Lita G. Gacita, Buddy Honeycutt and Fr. Brock.


**KoC Annual Mardi Gras**

Come join us for Cajun red beans and rice and fun. Bring your favorite Mardi Gras dessert or bread.

CAB --- Feb. 8 --- 6:30 till 8 pm

Offering                       $1,408.00

Aged Priests                      50.00

Saltillo Missions              986.00

Building Fund               3,317.50

Total Collections         $5,761.50

 (Last Week’s Collection)


Thank you for remembering your building pledge obligation.

Bulletin … deadline for announcements for the bulletin will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact Michael Liberto  (226-7936) or email mliberto@olesouth.net.  Please check your ‘bulletin email’ before attending Mass for any parish updates. If you are not receiving bulletin announcements, you can subscribe by sending an email to mliberto@olesouth.net.


Emergency Contacts: Fr. Delaney (662) 453-3980 or Fr. Messina (662) 563-2273