2nd Collection next Sunday … Propagation of the Faith ….


Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901   (662) 226-2490

Father Jim Gannon, OFM   Administrator www.olesouth.net/stpeter  email: gannonofm@bellsouth.net


October 9, 2005   28th Sunday in Ordinary Time


                   Mass Times                           Mass Intentions                                            Saturday   6:00 pm   St. Peter’s (Grenada)     Catholic Community           

Sunday     9:00 am   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        Catholic Community

Sunday  11:15 am    St. John’s (Charleston)  Catholic Community    

            Daily Masses                          

Monday            8 am    St. Peter’s         

Tuesday           8am     St. Peter’s        

Wednesday     8 am    St. Peter’s        

Thursday         8 am    St. Peter’s        

Friday                8am     St. Peter’s                                  








Sat.  10-08    6 p.m.

Verble Alexander

Joan Westin and Valerie Kerwin

Rebecca Fuller


Pete and Paul Marascalco

Knights of Columbus

Liturgical Appointments:


<Extraordinary Ministers>

<Altar Servers>

<Cross Bearer>

<Gift Bearers>


Sunday   10/09  9 a.m.    

Frank Marascalco

Dorothy & Sam Marascalco

Charlie & Reid Walker

Chace Holland


Knights of Columbus

Coffee & Donuts Host   Geiger family  this week. Next week’s host is the Livingston  family.




   Church cleaners for October  Joan Westin.    THANKS! 




Happy Birthday


Johnny Morrison, 10/10; Lane Bennett, 10/11; Matthew Marascalco, 10/12; Dorothy Jones, 10/13.   

Parish Hall update …


There is a preliminary set of plans for the Parish Hall in the vestibule of the church. Anyone may look at them. They are being sent to Jackson for approval.


Knights of Columbus/Chris Harris Scholarship Fund

Send memorials to …


Knights of Columbus

P.O. Box 1822  Grenada MS 38902

                    Thank you!

Knights of Columbus 3rd Degree meet every 2nd and 4th Sundays after coffee and donuts.

4th Degree Knights meet every third Sunday.

 ! Important Dates !


October 9 …

Women’ s Bible Study … 1:30 pm Ed Bldg … Jeanne Logan  226-0406

CYO meets at 5 pm in the Ed Building

October 12 …

Wakeup Wednesday … 5:30 – 7 pm … Bible … Pizza … CAB


RCIA … If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith in preparation for joining the church or if you are returning to the faith after an absence or if you are just curious and  want to know more, please join us in the RCIA sessions.  We will meet every Monday night at 6:30 in the educational building adjacent to the church. You may call Bob Smith at 225-5531 for more information or just show up.

     Building Fund Collection to date …

Goal $300,000    


Sacrament of Reconciliation … Saturdays 5:30 – 5:45 pm

***REGISTER  and VOTE in the upcoming City election. ***


CCD and Adult CCD meet  each Sunday … 10:15 - 11:15 am

Prayer – Please remember our sick and shut-insMary and Henry Theis, Mary V. Marascalco, Elizabeth Daly, Elmarie Williams, Dona Marascalco, Ron Bush, Kathy Marrale, Charlie Marascalco, Ken Stark,  Mable Zitzelberger, Jody McAnnally, Jan & Carl Walker, Mary Geesler, Betty Yonak, Pat Bell, Gerry Smith, Joseph Tyler Marascalco, Cled Gregory, Rev.Don McCain, Fred Grossman, Dr. Bill  Monahan, Adelfia Marascalco, Valinten Gagaboan,  Dixie Lyons, Bonita Henson, Bernice Tenos, Jo Daugherty, Sarah Powell and Fr. Brock.

*The late Pope John Paul II declared October 2004-2005 the YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST.*

 To close the YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST Bishop Joseph Latino has asked that a Votive Mass of the Holy Eucharist be simultaneously  celebrated in seven churches throughout the Diocese of Jackson on  Saturday, October 29th, 11:00 a.m.  The host church for our area is  Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Greenwood, Mississippi. Please try to participate in the celebration.


Offerings                        $2,292.00

Building Fund                 1,210.00

Candle offerings                  20.00

Total Collection            $3,522.00

Last week’s collection …

 Please remember our soldiers in your prayers.


For the WARM welcome! The DELICIOUS food! The COOL drink! I am most GRATEFUL!  Thank you! …  Fr. Jim


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Mario Solarzano, studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.  Pray for more vocations.

Bulletin deadline for announcements for the bulletin will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact Michael Liberto  (226-7936) or email mliberto@olesouth.net.  Please check your ‘bulletin email’ before attending Mass for any parish updates. If you are not receiving bulletin announcements, you can subscribe by sending an email to mliberto@olesouth.net.