Mississippi Catholic

Subscription $18/yr.

Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901   (662) 226-2490

Father Martin Ruane, Pastor



February 12, 2006  6th Sunday in Ordinary Time


                   Mass Times                           Mass Intentions                                            Saturday   6:00 pm   St. Peter’s (Grenada)     Catholic Community           

Sunday     9:00 am   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        Catholic Community

Sunday  11:15 am    St. John’s (Charleston)  Catholic Community    

            Daily Masses                             Daily Mass Intentions

Monday            8 am    St. Peter’s     +Lloyd Mangin  

Tuesday           6 pm     St. Peter’s    +Berenice Tonos

Wednesday     8 am    St. Peter’s     +Pat Bell

Thursday         6 pm    St. Peter’s      +Simon Ward

Friday                8 am    St. Peter’s     Special Intention


Sat.  2-18   6 p.m.

Verble Alexander






Knights of Columbus

Liturgical Appointments:


<Extraordinary Ministers>


<Altar Servers>

<Cross Bearer>

<Gift Bearers>


Sunday   2-19   9 a.m.    







Knights of Columbus

Coffee & Donuts Host   Today’s host … Joseph Liberto. Next week’s host is Needed. Please sign up!



   Church cleaners for February … Teresa Dear and Irene Tucker Thanks ladies!


Happy Birthday

John Sauls, 2/13; Tracey Badome, 2/14; Lisa Thomas, 2/15; Angelle Griffith, 2/15; Taylor Holland, 2/16; Barbara Fuller, 2/18; Sarah Mumme, 2/18.

KOC Ladies’ Auxiliary…


Will be selling $1.00 chances on a pair of green cut glass vases for Valentines Day. They will be given away Sunday Feb. 12.

Please help support the auxiliary by purchasing tickets!


Knights of Columbus/Chris Harris Scholarship Fund

Send memorials to …


Knights of Columbus

P.O. Box 1822  Grenada MS 38902

                    Thank you!

Knights of Columbus 3rd Degree meet every 2nd and 4th Sundays after coffee and donuts.

4th Degree Knights meet every 3rd Sunday.

 ! Important Dates !


February 16 … Thursday

Ladies Auxiliary Meeting in Ed Building after 6 pm Mass

New members needed and welcomed. Wives please join now!

  February 22 … Wednesday

Fr. Ruane would like to meet with all high school students (9-12) in the CAB at 6 pm … Pizza will be served!


+ Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Berenice Tonos mother of Martha Saia, who died this past week.

     Building Fund Collection to date …

Goal $400,000    

Sacrament of Reconciliation … Saturdays 5:30 – 5:45 pm

Women’s Bible Study … each Sunday … 1:30 pm in the Ed Building

CCD and Adult CCD meet  each Sunday … 10:15 - 11:15 am

Prayer – Please remember our sick and shut-insMary and Henry Theis, Mary V. Marascalco, Elizabeth Daly, Elmarie Williams, Dona Marascalco, Ron Bush,  Charlie Marascalco, Ken Stark, Amanda McGee, Mable Zitzelberger, Jody McAnnally, Jan & Carl Walker, Mary Geesler, Betty Yonak,  Gerry Smith, Joseph Tyler Marascalco, Cled Gregory, Rev.Don McCain,  Dr. Bill  Monahan, Adelfia Marascalco, Valinten Gagaboan,  Dick Belvel, Bonita Henson, Jo Daugherty, Sarah Powell, Louise Matthews, L.E. Buzzarde, Jr., Margaret Lantrip, Lila Shauff, Ross Fiser., Dan Buzzarde, Peggy Lantrip,Wanda Buzzarde, Sarah Criss.

Please sign the NEW list in the vestibule to help assist at Mass and to be a coffee & donut host.


Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius.  Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him.  In 496 A.D.  Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine. Let us reflect the love of St. Valentine in our lives. Happy Valentines Day!

Offerings                       $2,519.00

Building Fund                 1,705.00

Candles                                15.00

Home Missions                  439.00

MS Catholic                        535.00

Total Collection           $ 5,213.00


Last week’s collection …

 Please remember our soldiers in your prayers.

Please remember your building fund pledge.

Contribute to the Priest Education Fund cross in the vestibule.

Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Bob Soukup, studying for our diocese.

Bulletin deadline for announcements for the bulletin will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact Michael Liberto  (226-7936) or email mliberto@olesouth.net.  Please check your ‘bulletin email’ before attending Mass for any parish updates. If you are not receiving bulletin announcements via email, you can be added to the list by sending an email to mliberto@olesouth.net.

Flowers on the Altar … in memory of +Concettina Messina … by Dan and Rosa Buzzarde.