Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
(662) 226-2490
Father Martin Ruane, Pastor  email:

April 2   5th Sunday of Lent



April 2 – 6:00 pm, Confirmandi and parents meet with Father Ruane, followed by grilled hamburgers.

April 4 – First Communion parents meet with Father Ruane after 6:00 mass.

April 7 – The Knights of Columbus will be having a fish fry from 5:00 – 7:00. Tickets available from Knights.

April 30 – Retreat and rehearsal for Confirmandi

May 14 - First Communion

May 16 – Confirmation with Bishop Latino



Please remember that Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence.  Catholics who have celebrated their 14th birthday are to abstain from meat on all Fridays in Lent.



We will be having Stations of the Cross on Friday, April 7 at 6:00 pm, followed by the Rosary.  Come join us in this traditional devotion.



Easter Flower Offering envelopes are available in the back of Church.


Mass of the Oils – Priests of the Diocese will join the Bishop for the Mass of the Oils on Tuesday April 11 at 5:45.  Dan and Rosa Buzzarde plan to attend.  If you would like to join them, please give them a call.


Details for Holy Week services will be in next week’s bulletin.



This week in your prayers, please remember Charles Macko, studying for our diocese.



The Ladies Auxiliary is selling raffle tickets for prizes to be given away at convention.  The proceeds will go to benefit Gulf Coast victims and churches.  They are also selling religious items and icons.  Any and all information in relation to the purchase of these articles can be obtained from Auxiliary members.



Please remember our soldiers in your prayers, especially Mike Newell and Jeff Cowell, They are relatives of  Barbara Dyre Fuller.




                  Mass Times                                                                      Intentions

Sunday, April 2                    9:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Catholic Community

Sunday, April 2                    11:15 am – St. John’s                           Catholic Community

Monday, April 3                   8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Unfulfilled Intentions

Tuesday, April 4                  6:00 pm - St. Peter’s                             Lester Holmes RIP

Wednesday, April 5            8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Special Intentions MR

Thursday, April 6                 6:00 pm - St. Peter’s                             Pat Griffin RIP

Friday, April 7                       8:00 am - St. Peter’s                              Marie Marascalco RIP

Saturday, April 8                  6:00 pm – St. Peter’s                            Sam P. Marascalco RIP

**Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 5:30 – 5:45

**Bible School and Adult Education classes meet each Sunday, 10:15 – 11:15 am. 

**Women’s Bible Study meets each Sunday at 1:30 in the Education Building.  All ladies are invited to attend.


Liturgical Appointments

                                                                    April 8                                                    April 9

Lector                                                                     Bob Smith                                              Meg Logan

Extraordinary Ministers                                                                                                     Jeannie Logan, Ben Logan

Altar Servers                                                         Rebecca Fuller, Kayla Parsons          Beth Logan, Kate Logan

Cross Bearer                                                                                                                        

Gift Bearers                                                                                                          

Greeters                                                                 Knights of Columbus                          Knights of Columbus

Coffee and Doughnuts host today is Angelina & Jerry Guilambo.  We need someone for next week.

Church Cleaners for March are Angela Griffin and Rosa Buzzarde.


Prayer List

Mary Theis                           Charlie Marascalco              Ken Stark                               Amanda McGee

Henry Theis                          Mable Zitzelberger               Jody McAnnally                  Jan Walker

Mary V. Marascalco            Carl Walker                           Mary Geesler                        Betty Yonak

Elizabeth Daly                       Gerry Smith                           Joseph T Marascalco          Cled Gregory

Elmarie Williams                   Dr. Bill Monohan                 Adelfia Marascalco             Valinten Gagaboan             

Dona Marascalco                 Bonita Henson                     Sarah Powell                         Louise Matthews

Ron Bush                              L.E. Buzzarde Jr                    Margaret Lantrip                  Bob Bruce

Larry Stokes                          Peggy Lantrip                       Wanda Buzzarde                  Sarah Criss

Dixie Lyons                           Betty McCormick David Shriver III                   Marguarite Womble

Maria Evangelista                Suzette Stuebben                 Tricia Shankle                       Angelila Morris

Robbie Marascalco              Tony Steele                           Jamie Pritchard                     Frank Dichiara


COLLECTIONS                                                     BIRTHDAYS

                                                    March 26                               April 2 – Ben Stewart                         

Offering                                                 $1244.00                 April 4 – Lynn  Bennett

Special Collections                              $  833.00                 April 6 – Angela Badome

Candles                                                  $    11.00                                                

Building Fund                                       $  492.50                                                                

Building Fund to Date                 $182,688.00





The deadline for announcements for the bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.  Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to  




Knights of Columbus 3rd  Degree meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday after coffee and doughnuts.  4th Degree Knights meet every 3rd Sunday.


If you would like to contribute to the Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knight of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, MS 38901.


Please contribute generously to the Priest Education Fund cross in the vestibule


Let us be kind in our dealings with others in thought, word and deed.  Coupled with prayer, this can be a wonderful way of bringing people back to the fold.