2nd Collection Next Sunday … Catholic Service Appeal

Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901   (662) 226-2490

Rev. John O. Brock, Pastor www.olesouth.net/stpeter


April 24, 2005   5th Sunday of Easter


                   Mass Times                           Mass Intentions                                            Saturday   6:00 pm   St. Peter’s (Grenada)     Catholic Community           

Sunday     9:00 am   St. Peter’s (Grenada)        Catholic Community

Sunday  11:15 am    St. John’s (Charleston)  Catholic Community    

            Daily Masses                          

Monday            8 am    St. Peter’s        

Tuesday           8am    St. Peter’s        

Wednesday     8 am    St. Peter’s        

Thursday         8 am    St. Peter’s        

Friday                8am     St. Peter’s                                  

             Mass Intentions



No daily mass

No daily mass

No daily mass


 Sat.  4/30      6 p.m.

Jim Laycock

Communion Service


Verble Alexander

Communion Service

Knights of Columbus

Liturgical Appointments:


<Extraordinary Ministers>

<Altar Servers>

<Cross Bearer>

<Gift Bearers>


 Sun.  5/1   9 a.m.    


Communion Service



Communion Service



Coffee & Donuts HostThe Guilambo family this week. Next week’s host is NEEDED. More hosts needed.



   Church cleaners for April … Lynne Marascalco and Verble Alexender. THANKS!

                        We need church cleaners for MAY               



Happy Birthday


Joey Marascalco, 4/25; Wesley Thomas, 4/26; Irene Tucker, 4/27; Mary Ann Sauls, 4/29.

Adult Sunday School meets each Sunday in the church after Mass.


Knights of Columbus will meet

After coffee and donuts this


"A Woman after God's Own Heart"


A Bible Study continues

Today @ 1:30 PM in the Ed Bldg.

For more info …

Contact Jeanne Logan … 226-0406

Knights of Columbus/Chris Harris Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund, in memory of Chris Harris, is for graduating Catholic high school seniors who are active members of  St Peter’s Parish. Anyone wishing to contribute to this ongoing  fund at any time  should address & send their check to the:

Knights of Columbus

P.O. Box 1822  Grenada MS 38902

Thank you!

New List …


Next Sunday we will purge the  Sick and Shut-in” list for the bulletin. If you would like a name included in the bulletin, please write that person’s name on the list in the vestibule or email it to me.

     Building Fund Collection to date …

Goal $300,000    


Sacrament of Reconciliation … Saturdays 5:30 – 5:45 pm         


CCD meets Sundays … 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.


Prayer – Please remember our sick and shut-ins … Mary and Henry Theis, Mary V. Marascalco, Elizabeth Daly, Elmarie Williams,  Lucille Frenyea, Ron Bush, Gerry Smith, Ed & Eddie Merriman, Pat Gilbreath, Alexa Cooke, Dick Sullivan, Kathy Marrale, Charlie Marascalco, Valinten Gagaboan, Fred Grossman, Ken Stark, Eva Bell Meirs, James Bruno, Mable Zitzelberger, Joyce Janiszewski, Pearl Gurley, Katie Boone, Van Rodgers, Bobby Monahan, Scott Olsen,  Jody McAnnally, Shirley Fowler, Julienne Thompsen,  Bill Denny, Patricia Bell, Catherine Testa Liberto, John Wilkenson, Lita G. Gacita, Billy Ross James, Robbie Marascalco, Jamie Cummins Young,  Carl Walker, Joyce Young, Mary Geesler, Caroline McGee, Linda Smith Primo, Morris Biggers, Jody McAnnaly and Fr. Brock.


Fr. Brock will be out of town from April 26th till May 19th.

Emergency Contacts:

Fr. Delaney (662) 453-3980 or

Fr. Messina (662) 563-2273


Offerings                       $1,684.00

Building Fund                 1,087.50


Total Collections          $2,771.50


 (Last Week’s Collection)


 Please remember our soldiers in your prayers.


Thank you for your continued $upport of the building fund.


Seminarians - This week in your prayers, please remember Chuck Macko, seminarian studying for our diocese.  He is a student at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA.  Pray for more vocations

Bulletin deadline for announcements for the bulletin will be on Thursday at noon. Please contact Michael Liberto  (226-7936) or email mliberto@olesouth.net.  Please check your ‘bulletin email’ before attending Mass for any parish updates. If you are not receiving bulletin announcements, you can subscribe by sending an email to mliberto@olesouth.net.