Sunday April 30, 2006                  Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
Third Sunday of Easter               
320 College Blvd., Grenada, MS 38901
                                                                         (662) 226-2490
                                                            Father Martin Ruane, Pastor


April 30 – 2:00 Retreat and rehearsal for Confirmandi

May 7 –  6:00 p.m.  Crowning of our Blessed Mother

May 14 - First Communion

May 16 – Confirmation with Bishop Latino



Since May is the month traditionally set aside to honor our Blessed Mother, we will have a special service in her honor Sunday, May 7 at 6:00 p.m.  The crown will be placed on our Blessed Mother by one of our First Communion children whose name will be drawn from a hat.



We rejoice with our Confirmation class who are with us this morning at the 9:00 mass.  We pray God’s blessing on these fine young people.  May the good Lord,  Father, Son and Holy Spirit guide and direct them always.



We welcome Thomas and Kristi Peede, whose infant,  Tyler Flynn will be reborn again in the waters of Baptism after 6:00 p.m. mass.


It is difficult to find parking for mass on Sunday morning. (This is good!)  We have been asked by the police department not to park where a fire truck or ambulance passing through would be impeded.



Several people have asked me to ask our parishioners not to drop off any old clothing until requested.  There is no current demand, and old clothing dumped in front of our church and other buildings does not look appealing.


R         Your prayers are requested for the happy repose of the soul of Annie Mae Hefley.  She is the

I           grandmother of Myra Liberto.  May she rest in peace.



Next weekend is our Catholic Service Appeal pledge collection.  Hurricane devastation, expected growth, and the rise in Catholic immigrants in our parishes have impacted the need for more CSA funding.  Bishop Latino has asked the diocesan family to reach a pledge goal of $1,150,000 for this year’s CSA.  Opening our hearts with generous CSA pledges is one way to be the light of Christ to other.



New sign-up sheets have been placed in the back of church.  Please sign up and help serve our church.

Coffee & Doughnut hosts this week are the Guilambo family.  Church cleaners for May are Cecilia Livingston, Nikki Palazzolo, Grace Cook, and Karla Houston.


                  Mass Times                                                                      Intentions

Sunday, April 30             9:00 am - St. Peter’s                                   Confirmation Class

Sunday, April 30            11:15 am – St. John’s                                 People of St. John’s Parish

Monday, May 1              8:00 am - St. Peter’s                   Lila Schaff RIP

Tuesday, May 2              6:00 pm - St. Peter’s                                  Frank Bendinelli RIP

Wednesday, May 3         8:00 am - St. Peter’s                                  Martin & Margaret Ruane RIP

Thursday, May 4            6:00 pm - St. Peter’s                   Ad Intentionem Dantis - MR

Friday, May 5                 8:00 am - St. Peter’s                    Marie Marascalco RIP

Saturday, May 6             6:00 pm – St. Peter’s                  People of St. Peter’s Parish

**Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 5:30 – 5:45

**Bible School and Adult Education classes meet each Sunday, 10:15 – 11:15 am. 

**Women’s Bible Study – “Seeking Him” is a study on experiencing the joy of personal revival.  The study will     begin Sunday, May 21 from 1:30 – 2:30.  Books may be purchased from Cornerstone Bookstore.


Prayer List

Bob Bruce

Mary Geesler

Joseph T Marascalco

Sarah Powell

Suzette Stuebben

Ron Bush

Cled Gregory

Mary V. Marascalco

Jamie Pritchard

Henry Theis

L.E. Buzzarde Jr

Bonita Henson

Robbie Marascalco

Ronnie Sellers

Mary Theis

Wanda Buzzarde

Margaret Lantrip

Louise Matthews

Tricia Shankle

Carl Walker

Sarah Criss

Peggy Lantrip

Jody McAnnally

David Shriver III

Jan Walker

Elizabeth Daly

Dixie Lyons

Betty McCormick

Gerry Smith

Elmarie Williams

Frank Dichiara

Adelfia Marascalco

Amanda McGee

Ken Stark

Marguarite Womble

Maria Evangelista

Charlie Marascalco

Angelila Morris

Tony Steele

Betty Yonak

Valinten Gagaboan

Dona Marascalco

Nan Parnell

Larry Stokes

Mable Zitzelberger


COLLECTIONS                                                     BIRTHDAYS

                                                    April 23                                  May 3 – Buddy Honeybutt               

Offering                                                 $1024.00                 May 4 – Carole Morrison

Seminary                                                $    10.00                            May 4 -  Angela Brunson

Candles                                                  $      6.00                 May 4 – Adelphia Marascalco

Building Fund                                       $  547.50                 May 5 – Jeremiah Guilambo

Building Fund to Date                  $186975.50                    May 6 – Eliana Cummins



Knights of Columbus 3rd  Degree meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday after coffee and doughnuts.  4th Degree Knights meet every 3rd Sunday.


If you would like to contribute to the Chris Harris Scholarship Fund, please send memorials to Knight of Columbus, PO Box 1822, Grenada, MS 38901.


Please contribute generously to the Priest Education Fund cross in the vestibule



This week in your prayers, please remember Bob Soukup studying for our diocese.


The Ladies Auxiliary is selling religious items and icons.  Any and all information in relation to the purchase of these articles can be obtained from Auxiliary members.



The deadline for announcements for the bulletin will be on Thursday at noon.  Please contact the rectory at 226-2490, or send an email to