FEBRUARY 24, 2003



St. Peter’s Pastoral Council met on Monday, February 24, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.  Charlie Walker called the meeting to order. Those present were Cecilia Livingston,  Marty Duncan, Gerry Morris, Anne Geiger, Charlie Walker and Father Brock.  The minutes were read from the November meeting.  Marty Duncan made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Gerry Morris seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved.






·         Ash Wednesday services will be Wednesday, March 5 at 8:00 am and 6:00 pm.

·         Gerry suggested refurbishing the temporary tabernacle for Easter Services.  She will be working on this project.

·         A suggestion was made that the Knights sign up every third Sunday for the liturgical roles for Mass.  All Knights are encouraged to serve Mass with a child in the parish who does not have someone they can serve with.

·         Father suggested that a reception be held for the RCIA candidates after the Easter Vigil.  It was suggested that light finger foods and punch be served. Gerry will be researching this matter. 




·         No volunteers at this time to assist with Vacation Bible School.  Marty suggested that if no one volunteers that an announcement may need to be made during the masses to get parishioners to volunteer for this project.

·         Walmart gift certificates will be given to the teachers for teaching Sunday School last year.  Marty will be getting a list of these teachers.




·        Anne Geiger hosted a Valentine Party for the children of the parish.  Everyone was invited to attend.  The party was successful, and the Church made $230 from this project.

·        Anne discussed with Council that there has been a problem with college kids using the CAB.  Those using the CAB were not being responsible in taking care of the property, such as being sure doors locked and lights turned off.  Locks have been changed, and it was decided that a key would not be given to them to use the CAB at this time unless there was adult supervision.

·        Next pot luck supper will be scheduled in May.






·        Mitch spoke with Mark Grimes concerning sacking of groceries for the Food Pantry.  Mr. Grimes stated that he would contact us when they need us.





·        There will be a Mardi Gras party on March 4, 2003 in the CAB.  A sign up sheet will be placed in the vestibule of the church for parishioners to bring one of the following items:  bread, dessert, or cake.


CYO -  No Report




Discussion was held regarding the construction of the new Sunday School Building.  Before any progress can be made on this project, the following steps need to be taken:


1.      Present two plans to the Parish.

2.      The parishioners will need to vote as well as the Pastoral Council on which plan will best meet our needs.

3.      Submit both plans to the Bishop with a rough estimate of the cost for each plan.

4.      Bishop submits plans to his architect.

5.      Bishop gives his recommendations.

6.      Once a plan has been chosen, a good set of plans will need to be drawn.




·        The ordination of Bishop Latino will be March 7.  Two tickets have been reserved for our parish.  Father Brock suggested that either someone from the parish or a member of the Pastoral Council attend with him.  Charlie Walker will be going with Father to this event.

·        A parishioner had approached a Council member regarding putting speakers up in the   back of the church for the elderly who cannot hear well.  Council agreed that it would be alright to put speakers up in the back of the church so long as the parishioner gets in touch with Michael Liberto since he has experience with audio and sound equipment.  The parishioner also agreed that he would be responsible for this project. 

·        Council also discussed the covers to the missals and music books.  Since the covers were in such bad shape, it was decided that we would take covers out and not use them for a while.  


With no further business, there was a motion to adjourn by Marty Duncan and seconded by Anne Geiger.  The next meeting has been set for March 24, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Cecilia Livingston