JULY 28, 2003 


St. Peter’s Pastoral Council met on Monday, July 28, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Those present were Gerry Morris, Mitch Sones, Charlie Walker, Frankie Fortier, Father Brock, and Cecilia Livingston.  

This was an informal meeting to discuss the building fund project and any other matters that needed to come before the Council. 

It was suggested that at the next Parish Council meeting that we invite any parishioners who would like to come and voice their opinions regarding the Building Project. This meeting has been scheduled for August 20. The time for parishioners interested in attending that are not on the Council is 6:45 pm.  

Frankie Fortier, new Director of Religious Education, discussed several items concerning the Sunday School Program. She is in the process of getting materials ordered, and it was suggested that Frankie get in touch with parishioners who have had experience in ordering materials, use of the Internet to find any materials, or getting in touch with the nun who is familiar with the Sunday School material that is approved to be used for Sunday School programs.  

There will be a parish potluck dinner on Thursday, August 14 after the 6:00 pm Vigil Mass. 

The installation of the new officers of the Knights of Columbus will be installed August 16 at the 6:00 pm vigil mass, and there will be a potluck dinner afterwards.  

The next parish council meeting will be held on August 20 at 6:00 pm. 

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 



Respectfully submitted,

Cecilia Livingston