OCTOBER 5, 2005



St. Peter’s Pastoral Council met on Wednesday, October 5, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the Education Building.  Charlie Walker called the meeting to order. Those present were Cecilia Livingston, Frankie Fortier, Charlie Walker, Ben Logan, Anne Geiger, Frank Marascalco, Raymond Liberto and Father Jim. 


Ben Logan gave a history and recap on the building projects to refresh everyone and to give Father Jim an update on what has taken place.  The status at this time regarding the new parish hall is to make an appointment with the Diocesan architect to review the formal set of plans to determine if we can begin building the new parish hall.  Ben will be mailing a letter and the plans to the Diocesan architect for their review. The next step is to make an appointment with the architect to discuss the financing, the plans, and other options we may have regarding the building project.


Discussion was held regarding the purchase of a new back door for the Church and to restore the protective coating on the stained glass windows of the Church.


The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 24 at 6:30.


With no further business, there was a motion to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. 




Respectfully submitted,

Cecilia Livingston