FEBRUARY 7, 2006



St. Peter’s Pastoral Council met on Tuesday, February 7, 2006 after the 6:00 p.m. Mass in the Education Building. Father opened the meeting with prayer. Those present were Cecilia Livingston, Frankie Fortier, Ben Logan, Julia Tartt, Frank Marascalco, James Cook and Father Ruane. 


Plans for the new parish hall were resubmitted approximately 3 weeks ago, and they have been approved.  Total safe estimate for cost of building is approximately $450,000.  We are ready to proceed with construction once some decisions have been made regarding financing of the building and loan payoff.  When this is approved, construction will begin.


A decision was made concerning CAB rental.  The Parish Council voted and approved that the CAB would no longer be rented out to those who were not members of St. Peters.  Parishioners would still be able to use the CAB.  


Discussion was held regarding the following items:


§         Replacement of back doors to church – Doors have been measured and ordered.  When they come in, they will be installed.

§         Carolyn Parsons, the church secretary, is working on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for about 3 hours each day.

§         Frankie Fortier will be staying on in her role as CCD coordinator.  She reported that Sunday School was running smoothly.  Two important occasions are coming up which are Confirmation and First Communion. 

§         Discussion was held regarding rewarding Sunday school teachers and alter servers for their dedication in fulfilling these roles.  Gift certificates will be purchased for the Sunday School teachers and a party will be given for the alter servers. 

§         Discussion was held regarding Seder supper.  No plans have been made at this time.

§         Ted Artman has secured the door to the CAB as well as some windows that also needed securing.  He has also installed a security light on the church for protection.

§         Discussion was held that repairs needed to made to the boys toilet in the Education Building.



With no further business, there was a motion to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 




Respectfully submitted,

Cecilia Livingston