OCTOBER 24, 2005



St. Peter’s Pastoral Council met on Monday, October 24, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in the Education Building.  Charlie Walker called the meeting to order. Those present were Cecilia Livingston, Frankie Fortier, Charlie Walker, Ben Logan, Mitch Sones and Father Jim. 


Discussion was held regarding prospective members for the Parish Council.  The present members were asked to contact those interested in serving on the Council and invite them to our next meeting.


Plans for the new parish hall have been mailed to the Diocesan architect in Jackson for his review and comments.  Once plans are reviewed, a meeting may be scheduled to discuss the architect’s comments, if any, and the financial status for this project.  It was stated that money and financing did not seem to be an obstacle regarding our plans. 


Two new doors have been ordered and will be installed to replace the old ones located outside by the sacristy and where the altar servers change.


Father Jim will be speaking with someone about cleaning the Education Building.


The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 16 at 6:30.


With no further business, there was a motion to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. 




Respectfully submitted,

Cecilia Livingston