NOVEMBER 16, 2005



St. Peter’s Pastoral Council met on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in the Education Building. Father opened the meeting with prayer. Those present were Cecilia Livingston, Frankie Fortier, Charlie Walker, Ben Logan, Anne Geiger, and Father Jim. 


Other members of the parish that were present at the meeting and interested on being on the Parish Council were Eddie and Martha Merriman, James Cook, Julia Tartt, and Valerie Kerwin.


The next parish council meeting which will take place on December 13 will be the last meeting for those who do not wish to serve another term on the Council.  The parishioners who committed to serve on the Council will begin their term with the January, 2006 meeting. 


Ben Logan gave an update on the building project.  He has spoken with Bill Dunning, business manager for the diocese, who stated that there were very few comments made by the diocesan architect after his review of the plans for the new parish hall.  The comments were to be mailed in a letter.  Ben will review these points, get them resolved and a letter mailed back to the diocesan architect resolving these points.  Plans are to schedule a meeting as soon as possible regarding finances for the new building.


Discussion was held regarding the following items:


§         Updating church directory

§         Security for church and sacramental records

§         Repair of doorbells at rectory – currently none of them are working

§         Replacement of  back doors to church – the sacristy door and the door where altar servers dress

§         Have education building professionally cleaned.  One bid has been received and are awaiting another.  Once bids are in, Father will make the decision and have building cleaned.

§         Hiring of part-time church secretary.  It was felt that having someone part-time would help the church run more smoothly and efficiently.

§         Implement the Welcome Committee (time and talent survey) – Some suggestions included welcoming new parishioners by asking them to coffee and donuts and visiting with them and also announcing new parishioners at mass.

§         End of year contribution statements will tentatively be mailed the second week in January.  Julia requested that an announcement be placed in bulletin prior to mailing so parishioners will be looking for their statement.  She ask that everyone review for accuracy and to call her with any questions.


The following parishioners have accepted to serve on the Parish Council beginning January, 2006:


§         Ben Logan                   

§         Charlie Walker

§         Lisa Thomas

§         James Cook

§         Valerie Kerwin

§         Julia Tartt

§         Frankie Fortier

§         Rosemary Merriman


Father will be talking with Frank Marascalco to see if he would like to continue to serve on the Finance Committee and would he like any assistance.


The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13 at 6:30.


With no further business, there was a motion to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 




Respectfully submitted,

Cecilia Livingston